Tuesday, June 24, 2008
11:57 PM ♥
I am feeling rather happy now, even though i just cried just now. I am growing more like a cry baby each day, NO, is crying panda. To summarise the experiences that i have went through since monday till now, the most appropriate word would be 'screwed'. Basically, i have no idea what i was writing most of the time during the examinations. I totally messed up my H2 biology today, i was already feeling like sleeping after an hour has passed. ( the biology paper lasted for 2h30min) My mind seems to went blank whenever i sit for examinations, perhaps i was too nervous or something like that? After all, it is only the H2 mathematic paper that i am left with. Fortunately, there is still sufficient time for me to slack for the time being. Today after the biology paper, i went out with some of the girls in our class to eat at KFC. Actually, me and wendy was craving for Korean food instead, but the majority wanted KFC. Too bad for us. But that was alright, it has been quite some time since i went out with these classmates. After the meal, we went to shop around at tampines mall. Oh my god! MANGO is having a sale! I cannot wait to shop for more clothes.
Hmm... ... i feel that i am getting better these days, at least i see a bit (0.00001%) improvement. The improvement may seems insignificant, but the accumulation throughout the days will not be the same. Anyway, i feel that my passion for studying has gone down. I used to enjoy going to school, but now, i dislike attending school. Waking up on the early morning simply just shorten my life day by day, it is killing me! Day by day, i become more like a panda. A panda in TPJC?
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
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Tuesday, June 24, 2008
11:57 PM ♥
I am feeling rather happy now, even though i just cried just now. I am growing more like a cry baby each day, NO, is crying panda. To summarise the experiences that i have went through since monday till now, the most appropriate word would be 'screwed'. Basically, i have no idea what i was writing most of the time during the examinations. I totally messed up my H2 biology today, i was already feeling like sleeping after an hour has passed. ( the biology paper lasted for 2h30min) My mind seems to went blank whenever i sit for examinations, perhaps i was too nervous or something like that? After all, it is only the H2 mathematic paper that i am left with. Fortunately, there is still sufficient time for me to slack for the time being. Today after the biology paper, i went out with some of the girls in our class to eat at KFC. Actually, me and wendy was craving for Korean food instead, but the majority wanted KFC. Too bad for us. But that was alright, it has been quite some time since i went out with these classmates. After the meal, we went to shop around at tampines mall. Oh my god! MANGO is having a sale! I cannot wait to shop for more clothes.
Hmm... ... i feel that i am getting better these days, at least i see a bit (0.00001%) improvement. The improvement may seems insignificant, but the accumulation throughout the days will not be the same. Anyway, i feel that my passion for studying has gone down. I used to enjoy going to school, but now, i dislike attending school. Waking up on the early morning simply just shorten my life day by day, it is killing me! Day by day, i become more like a panda. A panda in TPJC?