Wednesday, June 18, 2008
12:18 PM ♥
I have just encountered something
creepy yesterday... ... nearly scare out my soul!
While i was happily praying to
GOD after my quiet time, something strange happened! I did my quiet time yesterday at around 12 pm plus, reading Matthew chapter 5 to 9. While i was reading, i simply put on my earpiece and listened to the praise and worship songs through my mp3. After my quiet time, i off my mp3 with the earpiece in my ear, i prayed. I confessed my sins to GOD, that i will listen and obey to his command like the centurion in Matthew chapter 8: 5 onwards. I will always have great faith in HIM. If he said "Go!" like in Matthew chapter 8: 13, i will listen and obey to his command. Just then, i heard some noise coming from my earpiece. I was shocked! Where on Earth did the sound came from? All the windows and door in the living are shut, my father was sleeping in the room, my mother using the toilet in the room, siqin studying in the room with the door shut, i am alone in the living room. I almost freak out, who could it be? I recalled that the noise i heard seems like someone panting. Oh my! Could it be the devil? Could it be my imagination? I tried not to think so much, but i cannot help it that my imagination ran wild. Instantly, i stood up and prayed with faith, " In the name of JESUS, all evil spirits GO AWAY!". At that moment i prayed, my fear went away. I was astonished by the power of our mighty Lord! And i felt that the evil spirit has went away. I was relieved. For the second time, the evil spirit came back again. While i was trying to get to sleep, i felt something kept on poking me. I was damn irritated! I prayed again, " In the name of JESUS, all evil spirit GO AWAY!!". The spirit then seems to left me. I was then able to get into sleep... ...Recalling the whole incident, i was wondering if that was a evil spirit anyway. But whatever! At least this incident made me realised how powerful is our mighty Lord, i did not used to believe in this. I thought this was just pure imagination. But after yesterday, everything proves me wrong. Experiencing it once is enough... ...evil spirit! Just leave me alone!
why am i the one going through the tough times? -perplex
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
12:18 PM ♥
I have just encountered something
creepy yesterday... ... nearly scare out my soul!
While i was happily praying to
GOD after my quiet time, something strange happened! I did my quiet time yesterday at around 12 pm plus, reading Matthew chapter 5 to 9. While i was reading, i simply put on my earpiece and listened to the praise and worship songs through my mp3. After my quiet time, i off my mp3 with the earpiece in my ear, i prayed. I confessed my sins to GOD, that i will listen and obey to his command like the centurion in Matthew chapter 8: 5 onwards. I will always have great faith in HIM. If he said "Go!" like in Matthew chapter 8: 13, i will listen and obey to his command. Just then, i heard some noise coming from my earpiece. I was shocked! Where on Earth did the sound came from? All the windows and door in the living are shut, my father was sleeping in the room, my mother using the toilet in the room, siqin studying in the room with the door shut, i am alone in the living room. I almost freak out, who could it be? I recalled that the noise i heard seems like someone panting. Oh my! Could it be the devil? Could it be my imagination? I tried not to think so much, but i cannot help it that my imagination ran wild. Instantly, i stood up and prayed with faith, " In the name of JESUS, all evil spirits GO AWAY!". At that moment i prayed, my fear went away. I was astonished by the power of our mighty Lord! And i felt that the evil spirit has went away. I was relieved. For the second time, the evil spirit came back again. While i was trying to get to sleep, i felt something kept on poking me. I was damn irritated! I prayed again, " In the name of JESUS, all evil spirit GO AWAY!!". The spirit then seems to left me. I was then able to get into sleep... ...Recalling the whole incident, i was wondering if that was a evil spirit anyway. But whatever! At least this incident made me realised how powerful is our mighty Lord, i did not used to believe in this. I thought this was just pure imagination. But after yesterday, everything proves me wrong. Experiencing it once is enough... ...evil spirit! Just leave me alone!
why am i the one going through the tough times? -perplex