Monday, June 23, 2008
6:56 PM ♥
reply to tags
yenlin: thx for ur concern, i ll cheer up de =)
xinyi: i ll de, thx for been there all the while ^^
shih ching: i won't do tat de lahx hahx =) just tat i m vry confused
hcevil: i ll try my best to do so
passerby: thx, i noe God has bless mii alot
my CHEMISTRY PAPER is like _______
cannot do well le
i like blank a lot of Qn liddat
pissed off with myself ~
have not finish mugging physic so going to really chiong for it ltr le
no more of watching tv programme except for one show at nite
so i ll have to cut down on the time for blogging & all other things
i dun wan to panic about not having finish studying anymore
this is so damn _______
i want to do well in all my subjects- including my GP
must be a history-maker again !!!! =)
not doing well now but will con't to jy de
i can be playful at time but when it comes to studiesi m 100% seriousi want study hard from now on, no more slacking siqin
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Monday, June 23, 2008
6:56 PM ♥
reply to tags
yenlin: thx for ur concern, i ll cheer up de =)
xinyi: i ll de, thx for been there all the while ^^
shih ching: i won't do tat de lahx hahx =) just tat i m vry confused
hcevil: i ll try my best to do so
passerby: thx, i noe God has bless mii alot
my CHEMISTRY PAPER is like _______
cannot do well le
i like blank a lot of Qn liddat
pissed off with myself ~
have not finish mugging physic so going to really chiong for it ltr le
no more of watching tv programme except for one show at nite
so i ll have to cut down on the time for blogging & all other things
i dun wan to panic about not having finish studying anymore
this is so damn _______
i want to do well in all my subjects- including my GP
must be a history-maker again !!!! =)
not doing well now but will con't to jy de
i can be playful at time but when it comes to studiesi m 100% seriousi want study hard from now on, no more slacking siqin