Saturday, June 21, 2008
2:57 PM ♥
was not myself today . . .
emo-ing becuz of some stuff
sick and tired of facing those problem on my own
i m tired of it arh !!!!!
was overwhelm bt the evil spirit
it keep on talking to mii
about how i should leave the KOG becuz the other side ll provide mii strength
it was like telling mii
" you manage to succeed on ur own last time, u can do it again "
those who know mii well ll noe that i m still not very okay now
really nid a lot of advice and concern from pp becuz i alone cannot do much
damn hurt and my wound still not recover fully yet
lotts of things for mii to manage
i really hate the feeling of being alone
sometimes i wonder why do i ve to meet the needs of others when nobody meet mine
and in turn i always get hurt by pp whom i m trying to help
really like hao xin mei hao bao liddat
it was telling mii how stupid i was to give up pp who has been the one caring for mii
and choose another group of pp who dun even seem to noe that i nid pp's help
is this really what God plan for mii ??
i admit that i fall for it and i really doubt God and everything
i rmbr how i told God that i hate him becuz he make mii lose everything i had
once i put in all my effort to achieve
i began to regret about the walk with God becuz he only make mii suffer
my life is no better like hell
some pp claim to be there for mii, but are they really there??
i m kind of tired of hearing all those craps when no actions are done
i want to be who i m , not like now
i dun even noe who i m now
trust mii, one more attack from the evil spirit and i ll really fall
i now understand why some pp like hear emo song because it really describe how horrible life is
and why many frienzs of mine are anti-christians
i hatez myself and the choices i have made
i m in a deep trouble rite now
some many things undone
i have not even finish studying of my mid year
pissed off with my life
♥ 0 lovely notes