Sunday, June 01, 2008
1:52 AM ♥
damn pissed off because half of the pic i took wif my darlinx are gone
all thank to my damn laptop
really feel like __________
so sorrie about that

getting more zhi lian recently
went out yesterday with my classmate to do up our hair
but it was an unsuccessful trip
but i still do up my hair ltr
i highlight my fringe
saw this pokemon performance at marina square
so damn cute worr =)
my best friend
wah liao
this person go block my view when pikachu came so close to the audience
but i must say i just happen to pass-by
i did not go there purposely 4 the programme
pikachu and some other pokemon
damn kaiwaii de

whoaa . . .
bought this at Mark & Spencer
damn nice
this is my favourite food
doesn't help mii keep myself awake while studying

went guitar concert with ai hui & sara to support performers
yenlin was the ursher today with wen wei
whoa . . .
top: zhixu, aihui, sara, sherliyn, alwina
bottom:yenlin, shiyu, siqin
(from left to right)
sherliyn, shiyu & siqin
. . .
happen to sit directly in front of alwina
my ticket
went eat at la pa sha after that
so sorrie, couldn't join yenlin they all
food there okay except for the diluted ice milo
saw one East Zone conert friend there
but he dun remember mii le T_T
then saw apple hong yi xin there also
i got bitten by mosquito, damn it
have to wear long sleeve tomoro le =(
(i m inspired by the band performance)
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Sunday, June 01, 2008
1:52 AM ♥
damn pissed off because half of the pic i took wif my darlinx are gone
all thank to my damn laptop
really feel like __________
so sorrie about that

getting more zhi lian recently
went out yesterday with my classmate to do up our hair
but it was an unsuccessful trip
but i still do up my hair ltr
i highlight my fringe
saw this pokemon performance at marina square
so damn cute worr =)
my best friend
wah liao
this person go block my view when pikachu came so close to the audience
but i must say i just happen to pass-by
i did not go there purposely 4 the programme
pikachu and some other pokemon
damn kaiwaii de

whoaa . . .
bought this at Mark & Spencer
damn nice
this is my favourite food
doesn't help mii keep myself awake while studying

went guitar concert with ai hui & sara to support performers
yenlin was the ursher today with wen wei
whoa . . .
top: zhixu, aihui, sara, sherliyn, alwina
bottom:yenlin, shiyu, siqin
(from left to right)
sherliyn, shiyu & siqin
. . .
happen to sit directly in front of alwina
my ticket
went eat at la pa sha after that
so sorrie, couldn't join yenlin they all
food there okay except for the diluted ice milo
saw one East Zone conert friend there
but he dun remember mii le T_T
then saw apple hong yi xin there also
i got bitten by mosquito, damn it
have to wear long sleeve tomoro le =(
(i m inspired by the band performance)