Wednesday, May 28, 2008
8:20 AM ♥
peace has never came back since my birthday
everything in a chao
i m seriously facing a lot of mental stress and pressure
had another arguement last night again
a small issue result in a chaos in the family
everyone was affected emotionally
well i guess people have to know that we have to grow up and not resort in hurting oneself as a form of de-stress
can't she think about the feelings of our parents
all those harsh words she say really hurt them
and all the things she make up herself, accussing me for things i didn't even mentioned
i was really damn pissed off
everyone has stress and things to overcome
when they don't say out is just because they don't want others to worrry
one must know how to face obstacles in life
i m honest to say that everyone in my family has a big problem to face
there is some relationship problem within my parents
my father has some problem with his work
my mum has starting to fall sick and i can see that she is really very tired
they have to finance a lot of fees like tution fee since i m taking up more tution now
i have to manage my studies because i seriosuly facing problem with it
i have to cope with some relationship thinggy
i have to overcome some personal problem etc
everyone is trying to manage the things they have now
and they are struggling to do so
seriously i m affected by all this chao
yet i have to pretend everything is ok and go to school behaving that everything is all right
i guessed most of my firend by now should aready know about the problem i m facing daily
it is really tiring when i m sick yet i have to face all this mental stress and also when she start using her penknife again
can't she try to think of others
she always claim that we are the one who cause this
but don't she know that she has a part too
she is 17, mature enough to manage her own stress
and not just vent it out like that
because everyone in the family is tired, very tired
if this continue i know that the family will collapse and i m trying my very best not to let this happen
i just hope that God will really guide me along and help me to overcome all this
i also want to pray for me to be slow in anger and that i will keep cool even when i m so damn pissed off for the sake of the family
God give me strength to hang on
♥ 0 lovely notes