Tuesday, May 27, 2008
7:46 PM ♥
Yup! I just came back from Kim's house. After staying for one day, i really feel a lot better. Before that, as some people may know, i am facing some family issus. But i am happy that some of the issues have been already resolved. So, i went to meet Kim at around 9pm at Tampines Mart. And i saw Nicole and Ryan. When i reached there, i can feel sonething is wrong. Later i realised that something terrible. Something happened to Amanda's family. I can really feel the pain that Aman has to feel now. I really pray for miracle healing from God, i know God can heal the blind, the lame and also the sickness. I have intended to fast myself from meat. Firstly, it is for me to be more depend on God, getting closer to Him. Secondly, to really pray that God can turn things round, really help Aman's family. I can see that i have changed a lot in my thinking recently. Yesterday, me and Kim went to run around the Ngee Ann Secondary School. It was a 3km run. It was really a breakthrough for me because this was the first time i ran without stopping. In fact, i was tempted to stop when i reached the second round, but the encouragement from Kim and also by praying to God for the strength, i made it. During the run, there is quite a lot of things that i have learned. I see that i should not give up easily; i would not want to waste my previous efforts by giving up now. Everything has a solution; Seeking God is the solution. Now, i really see that self mutilation is NOT the solution! I really enjoy the quiet time, maybe because i am not doing alone?
I did not attend to school today! Wow! Something courageous i did! Just joking! I have over slept this morning, i woke up at 12.30pm. Oh my! But also some family problem that cause me lose my mood to study. But i went back to school again. So cool! Going back to school in home-clothes was cool. Anyway, i saw Pohee, Wendy, Molestine and Sheryl. Thanks Wendy for keeping my tutorial! Then we went to Tampines Mart to have McDonald. Fillet o' fish! My favourite! But, i am fasting on that now! Anyway, i feel more positive now, in my thinking or whatever. I am so sorry that i have made so many people worried about me this days. So sorry about that. But now i have straightened my thought and understand that death is not the solution.
Now, i am still trying to overcome some problem between me and Qin, and also on studies. I still need help on that. I just do not enjoy staying at home, i do not want to see Qin. We always argue with each other, i am sick of that. I am happy to know that many people are there to help me when i am in trouble. Really appreciate the concern! In fact, i really want to share my trouble with Nicole, but sometime i am very loss for words. But i am putting my first leg forward now, i am trying to be more open with her. I understand that it is weird not to approach Nicole, she is my shepherd. Perhaps i need to be more sensitive. I really thank Kim for a stay at her house. I really learned alot from you! Praise the LORD... ...
(i must not eat meat!!)
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
7:46 PM ♥
Yup! I just came back from Kim's house. After staying for one day, i really feel a lot better. Before that, as some people may know, i am facing some family issus. But i am happy that some of the issues have been already resolved. So, i went to meet Kim at around 9pm at Tampines Mart. And i saw Nicole and Ryan. When i reached there, i can feel sonething is wrong. Later i realised that something terrible. Something happened to Amanda's family. I can really feel the pain that Aman has to feel now. I really pray for miracle healing from God, i know God can heal the blind, the lame and also the sickness. I have intended to fast myself from meat. Firstly, it is for me to be more depend on God, getting closer to Him. Secondly, to really pray that God can turn things round, really help Aman's family. I can see that i have changed a lot in my thinking recently. Yesterday, me and Kim went to run around the Ngee Ann Secondary School. It was a 3km run. It was really a breakthrough for me because this was the first time i ran without stopping. In fact, i was tempted to stop when i reached the second round, but the encouragement from Kim and also by praying to God for the strength, i made it. During the run, there is quite a lot of things that i have learned. I see that i should not give up easily; i would not want to waste my previous efforts by giving up now. Everything has a solution; Seeking God is the solution. Now, i really see that self mutilation is NOT the solution! I really enjoy the quiet time, maybe because i am not doing alone?
I did not attend to school today! Wow! Something courageous i did! Just joking! I have over slept this morning, i woke up at 12.30pm. Oh my! But also some family problem that cause me lose my mood to study. But i went back to school again. So cool! Going back to school in home-clothes was cool. Anyway, i saw Pohee, Wendy, Molestine and Sheryl. Thanks Wendy for keeping my tutorial! Then we went to Tampines Mart to have McDonald. Fillet o' fish! My favourite! But, i am fasting on that now! Anyway, i feel more positive now, in my thinking or whatever. I am so sorry that i have made so many people worried about me this days. So sorry about that. But now i have straightened my thought and understand that death is not the solution.
Now, i am still trying to overcome some problem between me and Qin, and also on studies. I still need help on that. I just do not enjoy staying at home, i do not want to see Qin. We always argue with each other, i am sick of that. I am happy to know that many people are there to help me when i am in trouble. Really appreciate the concern! In fact, i really want to share my trouble with Nicole, but sometime i am very loss for words. But i am putting my first leg forward now, i am trying to be more open with her. I understand that it is weird not to approach Nicole, she is my shepherd. Perhaps i need to be more sensitive. I really thank Kim for a stay at her house. I really learned alot from you! Praise the LORD... ...
(i must not eat meat!!)