Wednesday, July 16, 2008
9:00 PM ♥
Lesson 2 - a feeling of emptinessAfter the moment i stopped serving God, a strong feeling of emptiness attacks me. This is what i have never experienced before. I admit that it is a painful experience, it is devastating. I have tried on alcohol, but this is merely distraction. It takes up time and keep me occupied, but it does not address the root cause of the problem. As i was surfing the internet, i came to this website. (
<=Do check this out.
After checking this website, i know that i am on the right track. As quote from the website,
'When that sickening feeling of emptiness fills your heart, only one thing can fix it: Jesus. ''God created that feeling of emptiness in you. He wanted it there. The only thing that can fill it perfectly, then, is God himself. He designed you that way. ''The more of Jesus you let in, the less of a feeling of emptiness you'll have. Lots of Jesus, little emptiness. No Jesus, lots of emptiness. 'No pain no gain, i guess? During the time when i have God in my life, i have never felt the emptiness in my life. My life was not like that before. Now, i can finally understand. My life was not like this because God was there for me in the past. It is God who filled the emptiness in my heart. I finally get it.
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
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Wednesday, July 16, 2008
9:00 PM ♥
Lesson 2 - a feeling of emptinessAfter the moment i stopped serving God, a strong feeling of emptiness attacks me. This is what i have never experienced before. I admit that it is a painful experience, it is devastating. I have tried on alcohol, but this is merely distraction. It takes up time and keep me occupied, but it does not address the root cause of the problem. As i was surfing the internet, i came to this website. (
<=Do check this out.
After checking this website, i know that i am on the right track. As quote from the website,
'When that sickening feeling of emptiness fills your heart, only one thing can fix it: Jesus. ''God created that feeling of emptiness in you. He wanted it there. The only thing that can fill it perfectly, then, is God himself. He designed you that way. ''The more of Jesus you let in, the less of a feeling of emptiness you'll have. Lots of Jesus, little emptiness. No Jesus, lots of emptiness. 'No pain no gain, i guess? During the time when i have God in my life, i have never felt the emptiness in my life. My life was not like that before. Now, i can finally understand. My life was not like this because God was there for me in the past. It is God who filled the emptiness in my heart. I finally get it.