Wednesday, July 16, 2008
4:28 PM ♥
A lot of people has been asking me 'why?' , 'why?' and more 'why?'. I guess i better say it once and for all for my decision to leave God, the church and the care-group. This is definitely not a rash decision, i have gave a lot of thought
about it before i come to this decision.
Reasons:1. By leaving God and His people is an opportunity for me to learn to appreciate God's love and blessings.2. This is an opportunity that will allow me to grow more.3. This is a test to solve my doubts. ( i guess only joanne understand what i mean)
Lesson 1 - Learn to count your blessings.Today is the first day when God and His people are no longer part of my life, i admit that i am not used to it. I was feeling very lost in the morning when i reached school, i used to go for the prayer meet during that time. I am just not too used in joining my friends in the morning. But i guess i have to get use to it. At first, i was still not quite sure if i have made the right choice. But after sharing with people like joanne, i know that i was on the right track. Even joanne agrees so. This is the first time when i begin to learn to count God's blessings. I used to take God's love and blessings for granted, i never appreciate them at all. I am in wrong. God used to bless me with a group of people who spend time with me every morning. God used to provide me a direction in life. Even though i am really unwilling to leave the care group, i still have to persist on. I have to consider about the bigger picture. When the time has riped, i will return back to church. By then, i would have grow more, both emotionally and spiritually. It will then be the time when i am ready to pursue my aim of being a care leader. Anyway, i have just found a contact worth working on.
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
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Wednesday, July 16, 2008
4:28 PM ♥
A lot of people has been asking me 'why?' , 'why?' and more 'why?'. I guess i better say it once and for all for my decision to leave God, the church and the care-group. This is definitely not a rash decision, i have gave a lot of thought
about it before i come to this decision.
Reasons:1. By leaving God and His people is an opportunity for me to learn to appreciate God's love and blessings.2. This is an opportunity that will allow me to grow more.3. This is a test to solve my doubts. ( i guess only joanne understand what i mean)
Lesson 1 - Learn to count your blessings.Today is the first day when God and His people are no longer part of my life, i admit that i am not used to it. I was feeling very lost in the morning when i reached school, i used to go for the prayer meet during that time. I am just not too used in joining my friends in the morning. But i guess i have to get use to it. At first, i was still not quite sure if i have made the right choice. But after sharing with people like joanne, i know that i was on the right track. Even joanne agrees so. This is the first time when i begin to learn to count God's blessings. I used to take God's love and blessings for granted, i never appreciate them at all. I am in wrong. God used to bless me with a group of people who spend time with me every morning. God used to provide me a direction in life. Even though i am really unwilling to leave the care group, i still have to persist on. I have to consider about the bigger picture. When the time has riped, i will return back to church. By then, i would have grow more, both emotionally and spiritually. It will then be the time when i am ready to pursue my aim of being a care leader. Anyway, i have just found a contact worth working on.