Sunday, July 13, 2008
10:06 PM ♥
sometimes i really wonder why am i behaving this way
but what i m sure of is that i will never give up my walk with God
God is the only one who is 100% true
i lay down my everything for him
including my studies, my time , my pride, . . . . . .
i have been trtying my best to encourage myself but there are always time when i m really sick & tired of all these things
but God willl give me strength & courage to continue to go on
life is in a complete mess & kind of busy recently
alot of stuff to do & i don't really have the time
God, let me have the burden for people
i want to help the people around me
i want everyone to be happy, i really want to do so
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Sunday, July 13, 2008
10:06 PM ♥
sometimes i really wonder why am i behaving this way
but what i m sure of is that i will never give up my walk with God
God is the only one who is 100% true
i lay down my everything for him
including my studies, my time , my pride, . . . . . .
i have been trtying my best to encourage myself but there are always time when i m really sick & tired of all these things
but God willl give me strength & courage to continue to go on
life is in a complete mess & kind of busy recently
alot of stuff to do & i don't really have the time
God, let me have the burden for people
i want to help the people around me
i want everyone to be happy, i really want to do so