Friday, July 11, 2008
1:34 PM ♥
I have not slept well yesterday night. With lots of questions going through my head, I simply cannot stop thinking about it. It simply went crazy. I was having a headache this morning, making a bad start of the day. The brain is nothing but a source of trouble. I really hate to use my brain now. What is wrong in asking questions? How do my questions linked to my level of faith on God? I simply do not understand. I longed to seek the answers to my questions; I always believe that there is always answer to everything. Even 1 divided by 0 has an answer. The answer is: undefined. So, it is alright to question the things happened around us right? I am now in doubt with what I had done. What I did was right or wrong? I am glad it is not just me who shares this thought. Even Joanne and Sheryl do share the same sentiments as me in some questions. I am not the weird one after all. Some words can be pretty hurtful, so I better keep all this to myself.
i will not be able to grow spiritually until the day i know the answer.
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
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Friday, July 11, 2008
1:34 PM ♥
I have not slept well yesterday night. With lots of questions going through my head, I simply cannot stop thinking about it. It simply went crazy. I was having a headache this morning, making a bad start of the day. The brain is nothing but a source of trouble. I really hate to use my brain now. What is wrong in asking questions? How do my questions linked to my level of faith on God? I simply do not understand. I longed to seek the answers to my questions; I always believe that there is always answer to everything. Even 1 divided by 0 has an answer. The answer is: undefined. So, it is alright to question the things happened around us right? I am now in doubt with what I had done. What I did was right or wrong? I am glad it is not just me who shares this thought. Even Joanne and Sheryl do share the same sentiments as me in some questions. I am not the weird one after all. Some words can be pretty hurtful, so I better keep all this to myself.
i will not be able to grow spiritually until the day i know the answer.