Sunday, July 06, 2008
10:59 PM ♥
random pic(S):
went for the edible glass thinggy
went there not knowing anything other than lollipop
those who noe mii well enough will noe tat i crave for lollipop nowadays
in totally 10 of us involving in this and will be doing this too on Water Colour cum TPJC open house
i volunteer to be the presenter with wen wei & dai quan

making lollipop in process
damn exciting

eating half-way
lollipop made by mii & yenlin

it smell damn nice
i make honey flavour de
so damn sweet lohx !!!
our lollipop
alwina's lollipop
lurbb whateva notebk lotts
siqi bought one oso
only diff. colour

went to sent kim off after caregroup
vincent insist of changing bag wif miii
look so ______
i m getting zhi lian nowadays
more & more serious le

About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Sunday, July 06, 2008
10:59 PM ♥
random pic(S):
went for the edible glass thinggy
went there not knowing anything other than lollipop
those who noe mii well enough will noe tat i crave for lollipop nowadays
in totally 10 of us involving in this and will be doing this too on Water Colour cum TPJC open house
i volunteer to be the presenter with wen wei & dai quan

making lollipop in process
damn exciting

eating half-way
lollipop made by mii & yenlin

it smell damn nice
i make honey flavour de
so damn sweet lohx !!!
our lollipop
alwina's lollipop
lurbb whateva notebk lotts
siqi bought one oso
only diff. colour

went to sent kim off after caregroup
vincent insist of changing bag wif miii
look so ______
i m getting zhi lian nowadays
more & more serious le
