Monday, July 07, 2008
11:43 PM ♥
I am feeling damn happy right now! Today’s MCG was considered a success! I am so glad that many visitors turned up for this combined MCG between TPJC and MJC. It was totally awesome! Thank God for Wei Jie, Wendy and Pohee for turning up for the bbq. I felt very encouraged when they told me that they did enjoy themselves during the bbq. I guess that this was not just an encouragement for me only, but also for the entire care group. I do see that everybody was contributing, making the effort to do the MCG better. Really thank God for everyone in the care group! I admit that I have not made much contribution toward this MCG, but I will change. I did make use of this wonderful opportunity to know more people. This is the first time I ever step up of my comfort zone. I walked towards a group of people with unfamiliar faces, sitting right with them, engaging in a conversation. I admit that it was hard initially, but after several attempts, things were getting better. Thank God for that!
I am happy to see Wei Jie being so responsive to God. I really thank God for him! I continue to pray that God can continue to work in him. He was quite willing to go for the Saturday service, but due to his violin lessons, he can only go for the first service. I was so damn glad to hear about this, but… … this mean that I have to wake up even earlier. OMG… … just joking! I think that is it for now.
'chiong-ing' tutorial!
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Monday, July 07, 2008
11:43 PM ♥
I am feeling damn happy right now! Today’s MCG was considered a success! I am so glad that many visitors turned up for this combined MCG between TPJC and MJC. It was totally awesome! Thank God for Wei Jie, Wendy and Pohee for turning up for the bbq. I felt very encouraged when they told me that they did enjoy themselves during the bbq. I guess that this was not just an encouragement for me only, but also for the entire care group. I do see that everybody was contributing, making the effort to do the MCG better. Really thank God for everyone in the care group! I admit that I have not made much contribution toward this MCG, but I will change. I did make use of this wonderful opportunity to know more people. This is the first time I ever step up of my comfort zone. I walked towards a group of people with unfamiliar faces, sitting right with them, engaging in a conversation. I admit that it was hard initially, but after several attempts, things were getting better. Thank God for that!
I am happy to see Wei Jie being so responsive to God. I really thank God for him! I continue to pray that God can continue to work in him. He was quite willing to go for the Saturday service, but due to his violin lessons, he can only go for the first service. I was so damn glad to hear about this, but… … this mean that I have to wake up even earlier. OMG… … just joking! I think that is it for now.
'chiong-ing' tutorial!