Tuesday, July 15, 2008
8:13 PM ♥
I am 'free'. From now onwards,I am no longer
serving God... ... believer of Christ... ... a christian... ... a child of God... ... part of the care-group... ... nicole's sheep... ... part of CG08... ...I remembered that i convert to christianity at a S11 foodcourt at Somerset, now i ended my walk with God at McDonald at 201. How weird things can be? From today onwards, i am living for myself. My walk with God has ended. Finally, i can let go everything i have. Even though i may not know how my life is going to be in the future, i know that i have made the right choice.
I have already lost my trust in people. No one is worth me trusting. One by one, i lose the people whom i trusted alot. Once my trust for people is gone, it will never comes back. It hurts when people do this to me, especially those whom i loved them alot. It hurts alot! It felt like a nail being drive into my flesh. It hardens my heart, turning it into a stone. My heart feels so numb now.
All i can say now is
'I am sorry'. I am sorry that i have wasted your time.-siqi
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
8:13 PM ♥
I am 'free'. From now onwards,I am no longer
serving God... ... believer of Christ... ... a christian... ... a child of God... ... part of the care-group... ... nicole's sheep... ... part of CG08... ...I remembered that i convert to christianity at a S11 foodcourt at Somerset, now i ended my walk with God at McDonald at 201. How weird things can be? From today onwards, i am living for myself. My walk with God has ended. Finally, i can let go everything i have. Even though i may not know how my life is going to be in the future, i know that i have made the right choice.
I have already lost my trust in people. No one is worth me trusting. One by one, i lose the people whom i trusted alot. Once my trust for people is gone, it will never comes back. It hurts when people do this to me, especially those whom i loved them alot. It hurts alot! It felt like a nail being drive into my flesh. It hardens my heart, turning it into a stone. My heart feels so numb now.
All i can say now is
'I am sorry'. I am sorry that i have wasted your time.-siqi