Saturday, June 28, 2008
4:33 PM ♥
I have just woke up from my dream. Sadly, this is not a good dream either. However, it is preferably better than reality. This reminded me of an episode in the American television series "Supernatural". But as compared to that, my dream is still filled with disappointment. I often heard people saying that dreams oppose the reality, so, it can be both good and bad for me. I have missed my church service today again. Do not try asking me "why?" because i will not answer the question to anyone. Pardon me for being rude, i have my own difficulties. As what i have said before, i am still not ready to go back yet. Perhaps, people may think that i am still running away from problems. But tell you what, it is true. I am indeed still trying to run away from problems, i still do not have the courage to face all this problem. Maybe i am just wasting my life away.
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Saturday, June 28, 2008
4:33 PM ♥
I have just woke up from my dream. Sadly, this is not a good dream either. However, it is preferably better than reality. This reminded me of an episode in the American television series "Supernatural". But as compared to that, my dream is still filled with disappointment. I often heard people saying that dreams oppose the reality, so, it can be both good and bad for me. I have missed my church service today again. Do not try asking me "why?" because i will not answer the question to anyone. Pardon me for being rude, i have my own difficulties. As what i have said before, i am still not ready to go back yet. Perhaps, people may think that i am still running away from problems. But tell you what, it is true. I am indeed still trying to run away from problems, i still do not have the courage to face all this problem. Maybe i am just wasting my life away.