Tuesday, July 01, 2008
1:02 AM ♥
Today has been both a good and a bad day. It was a good day because I have attained a breakthrough during P.E this morning. I have finally finished my 2.4km within the time limit of 14 minutes and 30 seconds. This was considered an achievement because this was my very first physical and mental breakthrough. This really boosts my confidence of signing up for the competitive event in the coming “road run”. Since every girl, either running for leisure or for competitive event, has to complete 3km run in East Coast Park; I find it wiser to gamble a stake in the competitive event. So, I am determined to build up my stamina over this period of time, I am considering signing up for the event.
Unfortunately, the day did not turned out to be a wonderful day for me. During biology lesson, my teacher went up to me to find out more about my preparation for the SA1 examinations. I was so disappointed to find out that I did not meet up with my teacher’s expectation. This was the first time I under-performed for biology. I was totally angry with myself. My teacher felt that I am driven at full potential yet, she expects more from me. She even tried to mark my examination scripts first. I am such a letdown! I let my teacher down again! My emotions were not badly affected, but I simply become “emo” again.
Tomorrow will be my “A” level Chinese oral. I simply have to do some correction to my hair. “A” level is not a joke; I do not dare to risk it. Hence, after everything ended, I went to dye my hair black again. It was really such a pity; I hate to dye it black again. But never mind, I will highlight my hair again during the next holidays. Overall, it does not cost a lot. In fact, it is relatively cheap.
Dye heighted hair + Wash & blow + Using colored hair shampoo and conditioner = $ 22 ONLY
I can say that the salon was well decorated and equipped with the technology. I simply prefer to visit this salon than the others.
finally i can sleep... ...
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
1:02 AM ♥
Today has been both a good and a bad day. It was a good day because I have attained a breakthrough during P.E this morning. I have finally finished my 2.4km within the time limit of 14 minutes and 30 seconds. This was considered an achievement because this was my very first physical and mental breakthrough. This really boosts my confidence of signing up for the competitive event in the coming “road run”. Since every girl, either running for leisure or for competitive event, has to complete 3km run in East Coast Park; I find it wiser to gamble a stake in the competitive event. So, I am determined to build up my stamina over this period of time, I am considering signing up for the event.
Unfortunately, the day did not turned out to be a wonderful day for me. During biology lesson, my teacher went up to me to find out more about my preparation for the SA1 examinations. I was so disappointed to find out that I did not meet up with my teacher’s expectation. This was the first time I under-performed for biology. I was totally angry with myself. My teacher felt that I am driven at full potential yet, she expects more from me. She even tried to mark my examination scripts first. I am such a letdown! I let my teacher down again! My emotions were not badly affected, but I simply become “emo” again.
Tomorrow will be my “A” level Chinese oral. I simply have to do some correction to my hair. “A” level is not a joke; I do not dare to risk it. Hence, after everything ended, I went to dye my hair black again. It was really such a pity; I hate to dye it black again. But never mind, I will highlight my hair again during the next holidays. Overall, it does not cost a lot. In fact, it is relatively cheap.
Dye heighted hair + Wash & blow + Using colored hair shampoo and conditioner = $ 22 ONLY
I can say that the salon was well decorated and equipped with the technology. I simply prefer to visit this salon than the others.
finally i can sleep... ...