Saturday, July 05, 2008
11:04 PM ♥
Usually, i cannot wake up on saturday morning, i simply sleep as dead as a log. But to my surprise, i managed to wake up by myself without anyone's help. So, i went for service today! Anyway, even if i am damn tired, i will also dragged myself to service. How can i missed the celebration for my shepherd? I have prepared the affirmations for a long time, how can i possibly waste it? The service today did spoke to me, 'turning weakness into strength'. I admit that i have a lot of weakness; being hot-tempered, having low self esteem and etc. But if i am really that perfect, why do i need God then? Only God can turn our imperfection to perfection, he is the solution. So, what i am going through in my life is simply allowing me to be more dependent on God. It is the desperation and weakness that draw me closer to God. After the sermon, we went to celebrate nicole's birthday. Basically, the care group came up with this idea of blindfolding nicole, and let her try 4 different kind of food. The first item was chili, followed by salt water, and then was red wine ( correct me if i am wrong). The last item was a chocolate cake, her birthday cake. Basically, i find her reaction damn funny, i laughed alot. And during affirmation time, i did affirm her. I was really anxious in affirming her, she is my shepherd after all. After all this, we went to have our dinner. I am so glad that Isabel, also known as zhi xu, came for the service today. She joined us for dinner, and it really gives me an opportunity to know her better. Thank God for that!
I really want to thank Pohee, Wendy and Wei jie for willingly to come for the 'MCG' bbq. Even though we have a class outing on the same day, they are still willingly to come for the 'MCG'. Thank you guys! I look forward to monday 'MCG' bbq.
Pictures took during our 'PW' lesson. PW teacher absent again!

Calista... inspire me alot!
Justin and Jocelyn studying... ...woah!
Sheryl and Calista...

nice pose... ...

Jocelyn and me... ...

again... ...

sheryl trying to snap a shot...

caught on camera unaware... ...
close up... ...

trying to hide her beautiful smile...
Phoebe... ... unglam shot...
pohee... ...unglam shot again...
1 more soul is saved today!
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Saturday, July 05, 2008
11:04 PM ♥
Usually, i cannot wake up on saturday morning, i simply sleep as dead as a log. But to my surprise, i managed to wake up by myself without anyone's help. So, i went for service today! Anyway, even if i am damn tired, i will also dragged myself to service. How can i missed the celebration for my shepherd? I have prepared the affirmations for a long time, how can i possibly waste it? The service today did spoke to me, 'turning weakness into strength'. I admit that i have a lot of weakness; being hot-tempered, having low self esteem and etc. But if i am really that perfect, why do i need God then? Only God can turn our imperfection to perfection, he is the solution. So, what i am going through in my life is simply allowing me to be more dependent on God. It is the desperation and weakness that draw me closer to God. After the sermon, we went to celebrate nicole's birthday. Basically, the care group came up with this idea of blindfolding nicole, and let her try 4 different kind of food. The first item was chili, followed by salt water, and then was red wine ( correct me if i am wrong). The last item was a chocolate cake, her birthday cake. Basically, i find her reaction damn funny, i laughed alot. And during affirmation time, i did affirm her. I was really anxious in affirming her, she is my shepherd after all. After all this, we went to have our dinner. I am so glad that Isabel, also known as zhi xu, came for the service today. She joined us for dinner, and it really gives me an opportunity to know her better. Thank God for that!
I really want to thank Pohee, Wendy and Wei jie for willingly to come for the 'MCG' bbq. Even though we have a class outing on the same day, they are still willingly to come for the 'MCG'. Thank you guys! I look forward to monday 'MCG' bbq.
Pictures took during our 'PW' lesson. PW teacher absent again!

Calista... inspire me alot!
Justin and Jocelyn studying... ...woah!
Sheryl and Calista...

nice pose... ...

Jocelyn and me... ...

again... ...

sheryl trying to snap a shot...

caught on camera unaware... ...
close up... ...

trying to hide her beautiful smile...
Phoebe... ... unglam shot...
pohee... ...unglam shot again...
1 more soul is saved today!