Sunday, July 06, 2008
5:03 AM ♥
After drinking a can of coffee, i simply cannot get into sleep. Serve me right then! I have been trying to pack my study table since just now, my study table is in a big mess. I cannot imagine how i managed to survive since the start of the college after the holiday. I am a 'C' person, i should not be like that. Anyway, while i was packing my table, i came across the board that was given to me during my birthday by the care group, and also some cards that were wrote to me. I took all of them with me, and look through each of them one by one. And i finally see the light! Finally, i got the answer that i long to seek for. The time has come for me to make a differences.
"God, i swear to you on everything i am.And i dedicate to you all that i have.And i promise you that i will serve you faithfully forever and always until the day I die."When i was having a chat with wei jie on the msn, we came to talk about this question that i though that it would be nice to for us to think about. The question was " Have you ever wondered why God allowed unequal distribution of wealth between the rich and the poor?". In my opinion, i feel that the unequal distribution of wealth is basically not important at all. Money is not the most important thing after all, there is somthing more important than that. But people may agrued that money is the most important thing on Earth, ' money makes the world goes round'. I tell you what, this is absolutly wrong! If i let you choose between 'love' and 'money', which want would you choose? For me, i will choose 'love' over 'money'. 'Love' is cannot be bought, but 'money' can be earned. 'Love' is way too valuable! Since 'love is more important, does the unequal distribution of wealth really makes a big deal? Both the rich and the poor need God. With the 'love' from God, the poor can overcome the obstacles in their life. With the 'love' from God, the rich can overcome the challenges in their life. If you know that there is someone who really love you and always stand by your side, do you think you have the courage to overcome your obstacles and challenges in life? Life is never like a bed of roses! So, do you know that there is someone out there who love you alot? He is Jesus Christ!
After sharing this with wei jie, i managed to change his mind to accept Christ. I am really looking forward to monday when wei jie is going to say the sinner prayer. I really thank God for him. I am happy that he has made the right choice.
working towards my goal
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Sunday, July 06, 2008
5:03 AM ♥
After drinking a can of coffee, i simply cannot get into sleep. Serve me right then! I have been trying to pack my study table since just now, my study table is in a big mess. I cannot imagine how i managed to survive since the start of the college after the holiday. I am a 'C' person, i should not be like that. Anyway, while i was packing my table, i came across the board that was given to me during my birthday by the care group, and also some cards that were wrote to me. I took all of them with me, and look through each of them one by one. And i finally see the light! Finally, i got the answer that i long to seek for. The time has come for me to make a differences.
"God, i swear to you on everything i am.And i dedicate to you all that i have.And i promise you that i will serve you faithfully forever and always until the day I die."When i was having a chat with wei jie on the msn, we came to talk about this question that i though that it would be nice to for us to think about. The question was " Have you ever wondered why God allowed unequal distribution of wealth between the rich and the poor?". In my opinion, i feel that the unequal distribution of wealth is basically not important at all. Money is not the most important thing after all, there is somthing more important than that. But people may agrued that money is the most important thing on Earth, ' money makes the world goes round'. I tell you what, this is absolutly wrong! If i let you choose between 'love' and 'money', which want would you choose? For me, i will choose 'love' over 'money'. 'Love' is cannot be bought, but 'money' can be earned. 'Love' is way too valuable! Since 'love is more important, does the unequal distribution of wealth really makes a big deal? Both the rich and the poor need God. With the 'love' from God, the poor can overcome the obstacles in their life. With the 'love' from God, the rich can overcome the challenges in their life. If you know that there is someone who really love you and always stand by your side, do you think you have the courage to overcome your obstacles and challenges in life? Life is never like a bed of roses! So, do you know that there is someone out there who love you alot? He is Jesus Christ!
After sharing this with wei jie, i managed to change his mind to accept Christ. I am really looking forward to monday when wei jie is going to say the sinner prayer. I really thank God for him. I am happy that he has made the right choice.
working towards my goal