Wednesday, July 02, 2008
10:55 PM ♥
It is considered a long day for me today. After all my classes have ended, i was down for C.O. The long hour of practice from 3pm to 9pm is simply killing me. Fortunately, the 3 wonderful 'er hu' seniors made the time during combined C.O more enjoyable for me. I simply enjoyed the conversations with them, and of course, with my 'er hu' section friends too. There was laughter and fun, it brighten up my day alot. Thanks people! I am starting to like going for C.O, i enjoyed hanging out with the friends in C.O. People such as pei qi, si ling, xiao tian, vanessa, ... .. and many more. Basically, i went to have dinner with this people, so thanks you guys first! Really glad to know you people! Today's section practice was still alright, not so bored. I was simply entertained by xiao tian and grace. Haha... ...
I was so happy when wei jie was asking me if he could join us for care group tomorrow. I was totally delighted! Jump with joy! I so damn happy to see such a positive response from him. And also, i was happy when i received a message from joanne. Joanne was asking me if i was interested to join her care group on monday, they are going to sentosa. The most exciting part was that one of her care group member got a cruise(or something like that), they are touring round the coast. So cool! I really want to go! But i was not very sure if i can make time for that. Even though Joanne is not serving God with YJCEA2, but i am still happy for her. I am happy that her faith has grown alot in God, we are serving the same God together!
So cool. I do not have to go to school tomorrow. I am definitely not skipping school, but with a valid reason. I have a doctor appointment tomorrow, so... ... NO SCHOOL tomorrow. Perfect!
no passion for studying
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
10:55 PM ♥
It is considered a long day for me today. After all my classes have ended, i was down for C.O. The long hour of practice from 3pm to 9pm is simply killing me. Fortunately, the 3 wonderful 'er hu' seniors made the time during combined C.O more enjoyable for me. I simply enjoyed the conversations with them, and of course, with my 'er hu' section friends too. There was laughter and fun, it brighten up my day alot. Thanks people! I am starting to like going for C.O, i enjoyed hanging out with the friends in C.O. People such as pei qi, si ling, xiao tian, vanessa, ... .. and many more. Basically, i went to have dinner with this people, so thanks you guys first! Really glad to know you people! Today's section practice was still alright, not so bored. I was simply entertained by xiao tian and grace. Haha... ...
I was so happy when wei jie was asking me if he could join us for care group tomorrow. I was totally delighted! Jump with joy! I so damn happy to see such a positive response from him. And also, i was happy when i received a message from joanne. Joanne was asking me if i was interested to join her care group on monday, they are going to sentosa. The most exciting part was that one of her care group member got a cruise(or something like that), they are touring round the coast. So cool! I really want to go! But i was not very sure if i can make time for that. Even though Joanne is not serving God with YJCEA2, but i am still happy for her. I am happy that her faith has grown alot in God, we are serving the same God together!
So cool. I do not have to go to school tomorrow. I am definitely not skipping school, but with a valid reason. I have a doctor appointment tomorrow, so... ... NO SCHOOL tomorrow. Perfect!
no passion for studying