Tuesday, May 20, 2008
11:57 PM ♥
Usually if i post like twice a day, most probably something bad is about to happen. True enough, i am not announcing any good news. After crying in the bathroom, i suddenly has an urged to call the 'Samaritans of Singapore'. Unfortunately, i do not have the courage to put a foot forward to receive help. While i was in the bathroom, i have though about me overdosing of medicine( Panadol). I knew that the consequences would have been lethal, which is DEATH. Am i really for that? Am i willing to let go of what i possess now? Is death only my solution? These questions kept coming across my mind, confusing me up. But i really urged for an answer. Oh GOD, please God, tell me what should i do? Popping up the pills is really as easy as ABC, i am sure that if i take the pills, i will not be waking up in the next morning. Should i do so? I really want to numb my pains and wounds, putting all to an end with a full stop. Maybe i am just a weakling who cannot faced the reality? What should i do?
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
11:57 PM ♥
Usually if i post like twice a day, most probably something bad is about to happen. True enough, i am not announcing any good news. After crying in the bathroom, i suddenly has an urged to call the 'Samaritans of Singapore'. Unfortunately, i do not have the courage to put a foot forward to receive help. While i was in the bathroom, i have though about me overdosing of medicine( Panadol). I knew that the consequences would have been lethal, which is DEATH. Am i really for that? Am i willing to let go of what i possess now? Is death only my solution? These questions kept coming across my mind, confusing me up. But i really urged for an answer. Oh GOD, please God, tell me what should i do? Popping up the pills is really as easy as ABC, i am sure that if i take the pills, i will not be waking up in the next morning. Should i do so? I really want to numb my pains and wounds, putting all to an end with a full stop. Maybe i am just a weakling who cannot faced the reality? What should i do?