Saturday, November 17, 2007
8:57 PM ♥
went for service today couldn't wake up on time cuz slept at 2am ytd so was kind of late meet the pp at small mac as usual some leave first left mii, mag, yin ying,angeline, shu fen & shi qing (my ''twin sista'') wait for cai juan she n xue er wear contact lens le left mii ve not go make i want contact lens!!! sure going make one after getting my pay took mrt there then oso got si rui together on the train ar full of M18 stuff so i shall skipped reach nexus quite early before the starting time so wait outside today sudoku freak ar so kept doing it shu fen was like dun get it how to fill the no. then shi qing was like STRESS ah!!!oso saw EAst E members like sabrina, jia jia, pei qing, melissa . . . miss them lotts
today's service started off with the song UMBRELLA i mean another version kind wan pp were like - ello ello eh eh . . . the song was really nice next was praise as usual so went to the front and dance n jump dam high lohx got one of the song i like a lot lohx it was cool today was pastor ben's preachng i did take down some notes today's sermon i must admit that it realli speak to mii but like wat i told most pp - shuo dao bi zhuo dao hai yao nan !!! next was worship and can't believe tat i did cry . . .
went eat lunch with East A1 at s11 today last day of early bird registeration n i didn register so cai juan n bernadette were like talking to mii abt it talk ar . . . ltr went go buy donut but i didn buy cuz aready bloated pei mag go toliet then saw siew ling worr after tat went ply game de chao ji er xin game eat the chilli thinggy my lip as like burning lohx ltr went ply lan wif shi ching, jeslin, melody, ah be and sally melody gd lohx i always kana killed by her de anyway i at least not tat noob like last time le lohx got improvement ok went home after tat pei qing then pei mii to the mrt staion i was realli dam crowded no handle to hold so was kind of going to fall but one auntie vry gd she tell mii can hold her if i cannot balance myself tis person so gd arr on the train aready half asleep went east point buy my dinner first saw autography session no wonder so many pp q-ing up for their turn but not interested arr
realli dam confused if i shld go to work or to study for the 3 week jc thinggy arr my parents were saying tat no use going for the jc thiggy sic=nce i ve not even take my result my standard shld be able to find a sch lahx hopefully thx wi chen anyway
bernadette remind mii give u the present next sat kk, i vry forgetful ar
wish mii all the best bahx
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Saturday, November 17, 2007
8:57 PM ♥
went for service today couldn't wake up on time cuz slept at 2am ytd so was kind of late meet the pp at small mac as usual some leave first left mii, mag, yin ying,angeline, shu fen & shi qing (my ''twin sista'') wait for cai juan she n xue er wear contact lens le left mii ve not go make i want contact lens!!! sure going make one after getting my pay took mrt there then oso got si rui together on the train ar full of M18 stuff so i shall skipped reach nexus quite early before the starting time so wait outside today sudoku freak ar so kept doing it shu fen was like dun get it how to fill the no. then shi qing was like STRESS ah!!!oso saw EAst E members like sabrina, jia jia, pei qing, melissa . . . miss them lotts
today's service started off with the song UMBRELLA i mean another version kind wan pp were like - ello ello eh eh . . . the song was really nice next was praise as usual so went to the front and dance n jump dam high lohx got one of the song i like a lot lohx it was cool today was pastor ben's preachng i did take down some notes today's sermon i must admit that it realli speak to mii but like wat i told most pp - shuo dao bi zhuo dao hai yao nan !!! next was worship and can't believe tat i did cry . . .
went eat lunch with East A1 at s11 today last day of early bird registeration n i didn register so cai juan n bernadette were like talking to mii abt it talk ar . . . ltr went go buy donut but i didn buy cuz aready bloated pei mag go toliet then saw siew ling worr after tat went ply game de chao ji er xin game eat the chilli thinggy my lip as like burning lohx ltr went ply lan wif shi ching, jeslin, melody, ah be and sally melody gd lohx i always kana killed by her de anyway i at least not tat noob like last time le lohx got improvement ok went home after tat pei qing then pei mii to the mrt staion i was realli dam crowded no handle to hold so was kind of going to fall but one auntie vry gd she tell mii can hold her if i cannot balance myself tis person so gd arr on the train aready half asleep went east point buy my dinner first saw autography session no wonder so many pp q-ing up for their turn but not interested arr
realli dam confused if i shld go to work or to study for the 3 week jc thinggy arr my parents were saying tat no use going for the jc thiggy sic=nce i ve not even take my result my standard shld be able to find a sch lahx hopefully thx wi chen anyway
bernadette remind mii give u the present next sat kk, i vry forgetful ar
wish mii all the best bahx