Tuesday, November 06, 2007
4:17 PM ♥

jing shu when young
chen jun when young
chen jun & jing shu grown up
chen jun after jin shu die
slept until 3pm today cuz slept vry late i kind of emo after watching stairways to heaven ep 1 for mant many time i a bit crzy le XD think i want watch the whole drama series again after finish my Os study my chem currently want to finish all the other sch paper given to me as well as for physic but i think chem is more important cuz i want study chem when go jc if i can lahx really envy those who finish their Os aready today is their last paper rite haiz unlike mii still got to struggle with my two science till next week aww dam pissed off cuz all my songs in my mp3 dunno y kanna auto delete le so many songs lohx then now left with few only somemore all those sad sad song - stairway to heaven ost make mii even more emo de lohx realli looking forward to next week cuz i wan go out n play without worrying abt my study anymore my dad oso going oversea so no one to control mii le can go out whole day wif my mum got a lot of things to buy ar qian so many people feel kind of guilty thinking of changing hairstyle again maybe go rebond hair but i oways tie up my hair wan so is like no use rebond but i definately cannot survive one day without my straightener tis is y i dun realli like go camp maybe going work after finish my Os bahx can earn money n ti yan shen huo i oso wan go self-jing xiu to 'upgrade'my knowledge but i m realli looking forwrd in finishing Os
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
4:17 PM ♥

jing shu when young
chen jun when young
chen jun & jing shu grown up
chen jun after jin shu die
slept until 3pm today cuz slept vry late i kind of emo after watching stairways to heaven ep 1 for mant many time i a bit crzy le XD think i want watch the whole drama series again after finish my Os study my chem currently want to finish all the other sch paper given to me as well as for physic but i think chem is more important cuz i want study chem when go jc if i can lahx really envy those who finish their Os aready today is their last paper rite haiz unlike mii still got to struggle with my two science till next week aww dam pissed off cuz all my songs in my mp3 dunno y kanna auto delete le so many songs lohx then now left with few only somemore all those sad sad song - stairway to heaven ost make mii even more emo de lohx realli looking forward to next week cuz i wan go out n play without worrying abt my study anymore my dad oso going oversea so no one to control mii le can go out whole day wif my mum got a lot of things to buy ar qian so many people feel kind of guilty thinking of changing hairstyle again maybe go rebond hair but i oways tie up my hair wan so is like no use rebond but i definately cannot survive one day without my straightener tis is y i dun realli like go camp maybe going work after finish my Os bahx can earn money n ti yan shen huo i oso wan go self-jing xiu to 'upgrade'my knowledge but i m realli looking forwrd in finishing Os