Friday, November 02, 2007
11:42 AM ♥
romantic princess trailer 1
trailer 2
Trailer 3
trailer 2
Trailer 3
love watching romantic princess though is some kind of typical storyline
nan feng jin and cai roX loh
and oso xiao mai who is vry cute
the songs are vry nice too especailly the ending song but the whole song is not out yet
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physic paper 2 today was kind of _____
not realli difficult but not realli easy kind oso, more of like bao leng ti bahx i did OR is about c.r.o i think it is much more easy cuz is more about explaination didn noe wat the hell Either is talking about when i saw the qn i was like -.-''' siqi waited for mii to finish my paper cuz combine science ended half n hour earlier then went bbt shop to buy food again those oily food so now my throat kind of uncomfortable having s./s on monday so weekend is bei like siao but luckily no more tution le so at least can ve more time to prepare for s.s pray hard that detterance and diplomacy ll cum out plz . . . kind of slack nowaday cuz song le yi kou qi mahx most exam is over le so got more time to relax but ytd was kind of like hell a lot of physic qn so end up pestering classmate to plea for help then slept at 3am cuz watch tv drama it was the last eposide lohx at least i won't regret for not watching want to thx the following pp who had help mii lotts ytd and oso today at least i went in for exam wif more confidence thx lotts to siqi, xue er, raymond ,navin , ruwan, qian hui & kai wen
♥ 0 lovely notes