Saturday, November 03, 2007
3:39 PM ♥
studying rising of venice currently . . .
slept late last nite so end up waking up at 1pm today then watch tv and ve my lunch skip breakfast totally tomight still ve the jin qu jiang so oso got to watch most probably sleep late again le glad to receive jia mun's sms long time no hear from her le miss her lotts lohx hope she is doing well she is a really a dam cute girl then so receieve bernadette call ytd feel so guilty not being able to attend service until finishing Os so sorrie worr could not recognise her voice cuz we usually sms but my hp oso end up not being able to reply find myself kind of addicted to drama again n is more n more drama Os is stress wan de horr just like wat pp say' tai shan yi fen zhong, tai xia shi nian gong' mahx study so much just for that hour tis is especailly for s.s i wan to finish exam soon cuz wan go out n play all day realli look forward to holiday cuz i want to throw my books away opp. . . got to passs my books to alicia worr anyway really feel so guilty for not replying to sms nowaday cuz once i reply i ll not be able to concentrate on my memorisation le ps ps
jia you worr to all students taking S.S on monday !!!
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
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Saturday, November 03, 2007
3:39 PM ♥
studying rising of venice currently . . .
slept late last nite so end up waking up at 1pm today then watch tv and ve my lunch skip breakfast totally tomight still ve the jin qu jiang so oso got to watch most probably sleep late again le glad to receive jia mun's sms long time no hear from her le miss her lotts lohx hope she is doing well she is a really a dam cute girl then so receieve bernadette call ytd feel so guilty not being able to attend service until finishing Os so sorrie worr could not recognise her voice cuz we usually sms but my hp oso end up not being able to reply find myself kind of addicted to drama again n is more n more drama Os is stress wan de horr just like wat pp say' tai shan yi fen zhong, tai xia shi nian gong' mahx study so much just for that hour tis is especailly for s.s i wan to finish exam soon cuz wan go out n play all day realli look forward to holiday cuz i want to throw my books away opp. . . got to passs my books to alicia worr anyway really feel so guilty for not replying to sms nowaday cuz once i reply i ll not be able to concentrate on my memorisation le ps ps
jia you worr to all students taking S.S on monday !!!