Wednesday, November 14, 2007
12:56 AM ♥
woke up at 12 pm today as usual so skipped breakfast then went pack my things cuz finish Os le can throw some books away but i still kept quite a lot in case . . . then oso nid pass some book to alicia mahx realli spenta lot of time on it cuz realli got a lot of bookss ar so now my room kind of empty lewent library tis is the first time in 2006 i went to the library to borrow books spent a great deal of time looking for books suddenly like to read le so borrow some just finish one chinese so-called comic the character vry cute wan but the joke quite lame lahx not realli funny wan now reading two other chinese book mainly story kind and oso to learn new skills de but the el book i m reading is realli dam difficult for mii lohx it is el literature ar title 'ten poems to set you free' by Roger Housden the poems are realli difficult to understand and i doubt that it will open my heart as they claim to oso went to look for books regarding styling hair cuz i simply love to style my own hair bt the style kind of ______ so i just forget i siqi then went find mii so that both of us can go ve dinner together my parents were out cuz my dad receive prize mahx as usual go eat our favourite korean ramen shop shop a while then go home ply badminton at nearby court my dad going oversea tomorrow le
anyway this is one of the poem adapted from the book:
anyway this is one of the poem adapted from the book:
by DAvid Whyte
it doesn't interest me if there is one God or many gods.
i want to know if you belong or feel abandoned.
if you know despair or can see it in others.
i want to know
if you prepared to live in the world with its harsh need to change you.
if you can look back with firm eyes saying this is where i stand.
i want to know if you know how to melt into that fierce heat of living
falling toward the centre of your longing.
i want to know if you are willing to live,
day by day,
with the cosequence of love and the bitter
unwanted passion of your sure defeat
i have heard, in that fierce embrace,
even the gods speak of God.
♥ 0 lovely notes