Monday, November 05, 2007
10:32 AM ♥
but tis time look more serious
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watch stairways to heaven again becuz it is now shown on channel U on every sunday though watch before le but still can re-watch mahx love the drama lotts especailly when both the main character were still young the story is quite saddening lahx i mean is typical storyline for korean drama ut i still like it lottssthe songs are vry nice too though some character look _____ when they grow up si qi n my conclusion:
does who are look ok in the drama when young usually look ____ when they grow up (other than che chen jun who still look ok when young n adult)
does who look _____ when young look nice when they grow up
music video 1
ep 1 part 1 of stairways to heaven
tis is when both the character are young
che chen jun roX lohx ^^
Music video 2
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today s.s was ok i did study sustainable development so i was kind of safe
got to thx siqi cuz she told mii to study tat i almost give up on tat chapter lohx
left physic & chem p1 le
must jia you le !!!!! ^^
♥ 0 lovely notes