Sunday, November 11, 2007
1:17 PM ♥
studying phyisc txtbk currently . . .
last thurday was family trip went imm shop shop as usual my parents sure visit daiso wan cuz the things there are kind of interesting a lott of cute cute thing my parent can realli there for hours de my mum sure got buy the jap tibits de on the other hand i bought a silly thinggy ______ kind of bai chi then went giant shop shop buy food cuz i didn ve my lunch bought peanut pancake i realli miss the peanut pancake made by my aunt lohx vry nice de and also sushi dunno y i sudden i love sushi lotts kind of pissed off by my parents so went shop wif siqi alone after tat ltr then meet up my parents to have dinner together at fish co. love the new york fich and chip lotts but i always didn finish my share de and also the prawn in _______ (can't remember wat it is called) but i know tat i end up eating lotts of sotong and i drank coke omg i m going to be stupid le hahax
T_T the playground is under renovation
the other days are at home studying erm maybe watching drama more than studying but of course i didn slack lohx so usually study till until 3 am or 4am and wake up at 12pm or even later like pig liddat but i m not tat fat lahx hahax pack my stuff ytd but not my books cuz wondering if i shld wait until i finish my Os first threw a lot of stuff and i wondering y m i keeping rubbish throughout tis year btw thx cai juan for the photo taken on the church anniversary love the photo lotts
i ve not buy any present yet cuz being buying my stuff so realli got to spent time looking for gifts le and also looking for jobs after finishing my Os cuz nid money ar and to spent time more meanfully can gain new experience motivated by money ar hahax
all the best to those having their P1 next week XD
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Sunday, November 11, 2007
1:17 PM ♥
studying phyisc txtbk currently . . .
last thurday was family trip went imm shop shop as usual my parents sure visit daiso wan cuz the things there are kind of interesting a lott of cute cute thing my parent can realli there for hours de my mum sure got buy the jap tibits de on the other hand i bought a silly thinggy ______ kind of bai chi then went giant shop shop buy food cuz i didn ve my lunch bought peanut pancake i realli miss the peanut pancake made by my aunt lohx vry nice de and also sushi dunno y i sudden i love sushi lotts kind of pissed off by my parents so went shop wif siqi alone after tat ltr then meet up my parents to have dinner together at fish co. love the new york fich and chip lotts but i always didn finish my share de and also the prawn in _______ (can't remember wat it is called) but i know tat i end up eating lotts of sotong and i drank coke omg i m going to be stupid le hahax
T_T the playground is under renovation
the other days are at home studying erm maybe watching drama more than studying but of course i didn slack lohx so usually study till until 3 am or 4am and wake up at 12pm or even later like pig liddat but i m not tat fat lahx hahax pack my stuff ytd but not my books cuz wondering if i shld wait until i finish my Os first threw a lot of stuff and i wondering y m i keeping rubbish throughout tis year btw thx cai juan for the photo taken on the church anniversary love the photo lotts
i ve not buy any present yet cuz being buying my stuff so realli got to spent time looking for gifts le and also looking for jobs after finishing my Os cuz nid money ar and to spent time more meanfully can gain new experience motivated by money ar hahax
all the best to those having their P1 next week XD