Wednesday, November 07, 2007
6:27 PM ♥
went out wif cai juan & bernadette today well i was the earliest lohx then saw alvin and kevan downstair . . . hm . . . waited for bernadette at the mrt station first cuz cai juan say she ll be late i was like aiyo cai juan still never change ur habit of cumin late ar realli couldn't recognise bernadette until she wave at mii i was like huh is you ar cuz she cut hair le somemore long time didn see her le last time was at the anniversary celeb went to small mac wait for cai juan she wore white tee and blue short thot she wear PE t-shirt ps ps
ltr went stadium for qt like the place lotts can relax ar then oso no people so vry quiet wan go there again next time then oso bring food along can pinic while doing qt feel so guilty long time didn do qt le so to mii half an hour like kind of long ar cai juan was like busying talking to her hp lohx hah mii and bernadette bully cai juan
so difficult to take 3 person lohx
but at least better than cai juan who took only half of our face hahx XD
it end up dat . . .
the floor dam dirty lohx
went to have our lunch today ve a hard time deciding cuz we were like i dunno so stand there like bai chi liddat but hahax they end up deciding cuz they late mahx i the earliest okay went to eat the fishball noodle the stall was suppose to be at century square basement de but they move le
well i think different people cook wan cuz the noodle no longer that nice le cai juan wan was jia la wan but end up extremely hot mine was with no chili but end up too bland haiz~
_____ ask mii take wan >>> kind of bo liao ^^
after that went walk around then they were like go toliet take pic of our reflection went to second floor toliet wan but too many pp so liddat ll make us even more bai chi so change place i realise that they oso zhi lian wan lohx not only mii lehx
our relection
why m i in the pic ????
east A 1derful !!!
bernadette & mii
another shot using reflection of another mirror
went shop around wif bernadette cuz cai juan got shepherding with ah be saw some y hope member on our way and also my neighbour we were like walking arnd endlessly cuz dunno where to go and oso went buy ear stick we were like kind of bo liao lohx at last went to kfc to look for cai juan n ah be couldn't find them even though they were waving at us then sit down there chat wif bern lohx chat for quite a long time then went home le
why m i in the pic ????
''dunno leh'' 2
bernadette & mii
cai juan in the pic too
went shop around wif bernadette cuz cai juan got shepherding with ah be saw some y hope member on our way and also my neighbour we were like walking arnd endlessly cuz dunno where to go and oso went buy ear stick we were like kind of bo liao lohx at last went to kfc to look for cai juan n ah be couldn't find them even though they were waving at us then sit down there chat wif bern lohx chat for quite a long time then went home le
♥ 0 lovely notes