Saturday, February 03, 2007
12:55 PM ♥
watch hana kimi today watch 2 eposides now going watch eposide 12 le the drama so nice loh especially rui xi ,quan and xiu yi watch it this morning at around 4am till 6am + quite crazy rite suddenly addicted to the drama ar then just now watch wei xiao pasta and zhuan jiao yu ai qin cuz nothing much to do mahx still got some school work have not do yet some revision sort of work lah then tue got tution at 8pm going to be so tired lohx ve not buy my new year clothes yet so should be buying it this or next week so troublesome ar seldom ve time to shop with my parent or even to shop alone or with siqi cuz school end late ar so no choice lah but i love friday becuz this is the only day i m quite free at least can go out if i want to lah but sometime can't help it but to be lazy ar i so jia lak loh still can't play the music piece well must really work hard loh and oso one portion which i ll be playing with the other 3 sheng afraid that i ll accidentally press the wrong note again but haha got new sheng next week lohx then junior had to take the old one haha senior got privillage ar and still dunno what ll be the colour of our costume hope it ll be brown cuz i dun like blue but i dun wan to carry my heavy sheng so heavy lohx so dunno how can i carry it myself for SYF hope my new sheng ll be polish so that it ll be shiny when go SYF cool lohx and the sheng ll either be sitting n third or second level so ll be above from the rest lah feel so excited ar
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
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Saturday, February 03, 2007
12:55 PM ♥
watch hana kimi today watch 2 eposides now going watch eposide 12 le the drama so nice loh especially rui xi ,quan and xiu yi watch it this morning at around 4am till 6am + quite crazy rite suddenly addicted to the drama ar then just now watch wei xiao pasta and zhuan jiao yu ai qin cuz nothing much to do mahx still got some school work have not do yet some revision sort of work lah then tue got tution at 8pm going to be so tired lohx ve not buy my new year clothes yet so should be buying it this or next week so troublesome ar seldom ve time to shop with my parent or even to shop alone or with siqi cuz school end late ar so no choice lah but i love friday becuz this is the only day i m quite free at least can go out if i want to lah but sometime can't help it but to be lazy ar i so jia lak loh still can't play the music piece well must really work hard loh and oso one portion which i ll be playing with the other 3 sheng afraid that i ll accidentally press the wrong note again but haha got new sheng next week lohx then junior had to take the old one haha senior got privillage ar and still dunno what ll be the colour of our costume hope it ll be brown cuz i dun like blue but i dun wan to carry my heavy sheng so heavy lohx so dunno how can i carry it myself for SYF hope my new sheng ll be polish so that it ll be shiny when go SYF cool lohx and the sheng ll either be sitting n third or second level so ll be above from the rest lah feel so excited ar