Wednesday, January 31, 2007
5:20 PM ♥
tomorrow got chem test still studying and skipped c.o today cuz scared no time to study anyway today there is one incident which make mii quite pai seh lah but luckily got aik yong really ve to thank her cuz i didn noe tat my ez link card no money liao then i go board the bus realise tat i dun ve enough change so lend from aik yong but still not enough then i was like so unluckily loh so we approached a lady to c if she got 5 cent lah just then i dig into my pocket and saw some coins in my pocket really ve to thank God loh save mii at that pooint in time n to thank aik yong for helping mii thanks a lot!!! went home then study chem for tomorrow test quite a lot loh dunno wat should i do excatly i just try to memorise everything if i could obviously i cannot lah so no choice dam stress nowaday in every aspects really feel like crying but i won't cuz i wan to be strong ^.^ to bring happiness to those who are sad even though i m quite sad these days n even cried yesterday due to some thinggy which i dun feel like saying by the way all the best for my coming test
siqin . . .
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