Friday, February 02, 2007
5:36 PM ♥
yipee monday can skip D T loh only ve to study until 10am then can skip class le cuz going singapore conference hall to ve SYF rehersal but for mii maynot be a good thing cuz going miss lesson which i dun wan loh somemore must carry my heavy instrument myself although some may regard it as light but for mii definately heavy some more must climb to the third level that is where sheng ll be sitting loh today a-math test and social studies quite ok lah at least i m confident of passing today quite exhausted cuz had to do a lot of things to do during c.o had to carry my instrument to the canteen bring chairs down to the canteen for the guan yue and then help cai juan carry the sheng wow my face was so red loh hm... today my hamaster give birth to 2 cutie hamaster ve not give them name yet but they are really dam cute loh but cannot touch them for about 1 week plus today got spot check on the length of skirt mine should be ok bah i think but haha didn get caught for my fringe by any cher but how i ve one presentation in s.s class and then i . . . clip up my hair lenghten my skirt tuck in my blouse . . . so many things to check ar hate it but is still my job to present at least i ve finish preparing and ll make a good job i hope wish myself all the best
♥ 0 lovely notes