Wednesday, January 31, 2007
9:11 PM ♥
i can't believe it! i score e highest 4 my chinese compo in BAND 1. hOOray! i got 37 upon 50. tat is e greatest encouragement i recieve, still gonna keep up 2 it. i can nvr imagine about tat... ... mrs tan even praise me 4 my compo, nvr been happier. she say tat she like e point i mention n even maybe wanna sent 2 e "dong bing bei yuan" tinggi. i can't imagine scorin tat mark under mrs tan strict marking. NOT BEEN PROUD BUT HAPPY ONLY! NO OFFENCE 2 ANY ONE READIN MY POST.
---si QI
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
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Wednesday, January 31, 2007
9:11 PM ♥
i can't believe it! i score e highest 4 my chinese compo in BAND 1. hOOray! i got 37 upon 50. tat is e greatest encouragement i recieve, still gonna keep up 2 it. i can nvr imagine about tat... ... mrs tan even praise me 4 my compo, nvr been happier. she say tat she like e point i mention n even maybe wanna sent 2 e "dong bing bei yuan" tinggi. i can't imagine scorin tat mark under mrs tan strict marking. NOT BEEN PROUD BUT HAPPY ONLY! NO OFFENCE 2 ANY ONE READIN MY POST.
---si QI