Tuesday, January 30, 2007
7:18 PM ♥
not in good mood today don't ask mii why cuz i won't tell you anyway so sad that i was unable to pay attention in class school was fine today except for the physic test it was still ok lah after school went out for an informal shepherding that is eating at romantic mac that side then saw cai juan and qinning they ve so call shepherding but end up with math shepherding we played with the paper on the tray tore it into so many pieces i think the cleaner ll ve problem clearing it bah anyway here's a gif from bernadette:

we design for one another as a memorable gift to one another later went shop around tm and century bernadette accompany mii buy some things then later went back i really feel unhappy in some sense disappointed suddenly feel as if the sky is falling so tired but the bernadette drawing did cheer mii up a little but still feel quite sad hope everything will go well . . .
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
7:18 PM ♥
not in good mood today don't ask mii why cuz i won't tell you anyway so sad that i was unable to pay attention in class school was fine today except for the physic test it was still ok lah after school went out for an informal shepherding that is eating at romantic mac that side then saw cai juan and qinning they ve so call shepherding but end up with math shepherding we played with the paper on the tray tore it into so many pieces i think the cleaner ll ve problem clearing it bah anyway here's a gif from bernadette:

we design for one another as a memorable gift to one another later went shop around tm and century bernadette accompany mii buy some things then later went back i really feel unhappy in some sense disappointed suddenly feel as if the sky is falling so tired but the bernadette drawing did cheer mii up a little but still feel quite sad hope everything will go well . . .