boo hoo hoo.....i die 4 sure
Thursday, January 25, 2007
8:31 PM ♥
BOO HOO HOO...2dae i hav a biology test, a CHIJ paper. OMG! it is so tough, i should say. i hav study on e previous nite till 3+am n now this really crash my dream 2 be e top 1.
PLZ REMEBER NOT 2 CHOOSE BIOLOGY! i regret by askin my junior 2 choose biology. i m reali SORRIE... ...i hate schoolin,hate hate hate... i hate e teachers... how i wish i can go back 2 e past. i used 2 be e apple of my cher's eye. now not. i not realli seekin attention but just wanna feel e care fro teachers. i nvr seems 2 get it @ all, except miss santha. many teacher do not understand how e students r feelin. e pressure we r carryin through ur dae is not noe by e teachers, they do not understand @ all. after several thins happen in sch, i long 2 feel e care from teachers. it is vry sad 2 c my frien like me strugglin wif work n cca. i knew 4 sure tat 1 vry dae i will break down. if teachers can reli understand e feelin of e students, maybe we students will not feel so stress... ... however, I NOE IT WOULD'T COME TRUE
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Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
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boo hoo hoo.....i die 4 sure
Thursday, January 25, 2007
8:31 PM ♥
BOO HOO HOO...2dae i hav a biology test, a CHIJ paper. OMG! it is so tough, i should say. i hav study on e previous nite till 3+am n now this really crash my dream 2 be e top 1.
PLZ REMEBER NOT 2 CHOOSE BIOLOGY! i regret by askin my junior 2 choose biology. i m reali SORRIE... ...i hate schoolin,hate hate hate... i hate e teachers... how i wish i can go back 2 e past. i used 2 be e apple of my cher's eye. now not. i not realli seekin attention but just wanna feel e care fro teachers. i nvr seems 2 get it @ all, except miss santha. many teacher do not understand how e students r feelin. e pressure we r carryin through ur dae is not noe by e teachers, they do not understand @ all. after several thins happen in sch, i long 2 feel e care from teachers. it is vry sad 2 c my frien like me strugglin wif work n cca. i knew 4 sure tat 1 vry dae i will break down. if teachers can reli understand e feelin of e students, maybe we students will not feel so stress... ... however, I NOE IT WOULD'T COME TRUE