take it out NOT....?
Saturday, January 27, 2007
3:05 PM ♥
i started 2 wonder if droppin my biology is it a gd choice? is it? takin biology is a tough decision, vry tough. e scientific name given 2 watever plants, animal or wat is so hard. eg: ACTINOMYCES, LACTOBACILLUS BULGARICUS. e names are so l..o..n...g! how 2 remeber? haiz, is this my mistake when other senior in sch ask me not take biology? maybe is because i dun like mrs tan teachin? watEVER! my life getin borin n borin. MDM HARTINI is back....omg.....teachin me geography. heaven must be jokin, givin me tis kind of teacher when i m last year in sch. ask us use wat PEE method 2 write e answer 4 geography hw. i m on e path 2 no return... ...
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Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
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take it out NOT....?
Saturday, January 27, 2007
3:05 PM ♥
i started 2 wonder if droppin my biology is it a gd choice? is it? takin biology is a tough decision, vry tough. e scientific name given 2 watever plants, animal or wat is so hard. eg: ACTINOMYCES, LACTOBACILLUS BULGARICUS. e names are so l..o..n...g! how 2 remeber? haiz, is this my mistake when other senior in sch ask me not take biology? maybe is because i dun like mrs tan teachin? watEVER! my life getin borin n borin. MDM HARTINI is back....omg.....teachin me geography. heaven must be jokin, givin me tis kind of teacher when i m last year in sch. ask us use wat PEE method 2 write e answer 4 geography hw. i m on e path 2 no return... ...