Thursday, January 25, 2007
7:40 PM ♥
came back from co practice today so sad loh cuz i did very badly for my physic quiz really learn my lesson le today co was still ok lah slack a little bit then go walk for a while then go practice again lah but dunno why today feel so tired m i starting to be lazy? from nowonward i m going to be 3x more disclipine finishing and completing what is expected of mii despite tiredness or what cuz i really start to feel that my study is dropping so must jia you loh also need more encouragement from surrounding loh well maym God ll refresh mii and help mii in managing my time even better cuz i want to balance every aspect of my life, everything it is going to be difficult anyway i ll still keep my promise . .
siQiN .
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Thursday, January 25, 2007
7:40 PM ♥
came back from co practice today so sad loh cuz i did very badly for my physic quiz really learn my lesson le today co was still ok lah slack a little bit then go walk for a while then go practice again lah but dunno why today feel so tired m i starting to be lazy? from nowonward i m going to be 3x more disclipine finishing and completing what is expected of mii despite tiredness or what cuz i really start to feel that my study is dropping so must jia you loh also need more encouragement from surrounding loh well maym God ll refresh mii and help mii in managing my time even better cuz i want to balance every aspect of my life, everything it is going to be difficult anyway i ll still keep my promise . .
siQiN .