Sunday, February 04, 2007
9:20 PM ♥
today went out buy clothes with my parents bought a few not many cuz didn saw what i like lohx bought a blouse which is black with some white is like overlapping one another also bought a black short skirt with lots of small cute ribbon ve not buy shoe to match my clothing yet most probably on next sunday bahx siqi say that my blouse together with my skirt look like cosplay ar actually i also think so but at least look nice mahx i think i spent more than 2hours to buy my clothes cuz i just can't be not fickle in my decision so i spent quite some time to shop for my clothes tonight is superstar final hope daren ll win ar though i like diya daren jia you like the song ju hua tai by chen wei lian ar so nice lohx remind mii of the movie the curse of the golden flower like the movie lots today quite sick ar feel so horrible not only with flu but also experience pain at my backbone dunno why lehx anyway want to wish siew ling
happy birthday in advance and all the best to her ya
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Sunday, February 04, 2007
9:20 PM ♥
today went out buy clothes with my parents bought a few not many cuz didn saw what i like lohx bought a blouse which is black with some white is like overlapping one another also bought a black short skirt with lots of small cute ribbon ve not buy shoe to match my clothing yet most probably on next sunday bahx siqi say that my blouse together with my skirt look like cosplay ar actually i also think so but at least look nice mahx i think i spent more than 2hours to buy my clothes cuz i just can't be not fickle in my decision so i spent quite some time to shop for my clothes tonight is superstar final hope daren ll win ar though i like diya daren jia you like the song ju hua tai by chen wei lian ar so nice lohx remind mii of the movie the curse of the golden flower like the movie lots today quite sick ar feel so horrible not only with flu but also experience pain at my backbone dunno why lehx anyway want to wish siew ling
happy birthday in advance and all the best to her ya