Monday, February 05, 2007
6:26 PM ♥
today went for c.o practice quite tired ar cuz need carry the instrument even though mine go with the truck so didn go for EL DT today heard that it is quite difficult ar so i ll be re-taking tomorrow at around 2.30pm loh at 103 classroom tomorrow still got tution at 8pm then end around at 10pm + so late lohx the spore conference hall is quite big and the sheng and suo na ve to sit at the third level so troublesome ar difficult to go up cuz one of my hand carrying my sheng then one with my file on the day of SYF still got the long skirt scared i ll fall ar today is dam unluckily loh my sheng spolit cuz one of the button drop out then ve to use staple bullet to join it first also got one of the button got problem ar luckily i ll be using the new sheng if not i surely die le still ve to practice on the jian kuai de liang feng ar cuz dunno when to come in haiz really ve to brush up my skills ar feeling unwell today ar still quite sick flu plus backache plus running nose plus a little bit feverish dun feel like eating anything wish myself all the best for tomorrow DT
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