Tuesday, June 17, 2008
1:37 PM ♥
Have people ever wondered why do MOON BEAR and PANDA receive 2 entirely DIFFERENT kind of treatment?
i really do not understand why!!
SERIOUSLY, something has to be done to save the moon bears in China. Moon Bears have been killed for their gall bladders for 1,000s of years, but it is only in the past 20 years that countries in Asia began to search for an alternative to taking an animal from the wild and killing it. Bears are the only mammals to produce significant amounts of the bile acid - ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), which has been used in Traditional Medicine for approximately 3,000 years. Whilst studies have shown it to be effective, today Chinese doctors agree that it can easily be replaced by herbal and synthetic alternatives which are cheaper, more effective and more readily available. Of the 8 species of bears in the world, all except the giant panda have seen their numbers reduced as a result of the bear bile trade. Ever since i watched this show "Find me a Singaporean 2" from channel U on this Singaporean guy working in an organisation to save the moon bear in China, i am motivated to be like him. But how could simply a television programme change the my goal on life? This may sound entirely stupid, but it is true! In fact, i almost cried while watching the programme. I was extremely sad to see how the moon bears are tortured, how they are being traumatised. It is so cruel! Why do the chinese have to use bear bile for medicine? Why? How many thousands of bears would have to die for that? I simply felt sorry for them, i simply felt useless that i cannot do anything to help them. My strength is limited, but with the help of everyone, everything is possible! I really urged that people can simply think for the moon bears which are suffering right now! Could they use other alternative medicine instead?
I aimed to become a surgeon! NOT for human, but for bears! I want to work in China and save more moon bears from the bile farms for the rest of my life. People may laughed at me, thinking that that is a job without a bright future. But who cares! At least this is an aim that i can make it possible, an aim that i am really proud of. Not to mention that i also want to be a church planter, to plant a church in China! Maybe i can get to share Christ with the moon bears there... ...crap.
i must force myself to study biology!
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
1:37 PM ♥
Have people ever wondered why do MOON BEAR and PANDA receive 2 entirely DIFFERENT kind of treatment?
i really do not understand why!!
SERIOUSLY, something has to be done to save the moon bears in China. Moon Bears have been killed for their gall bladders for 1,000s of years, but it is only in the past 20 years that countries in Asia began to search for an alternative to taking an animal from the wild and killing it. Bears are the only mammals to produce significant amounts of the bile acid - ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), which has been used in Traditional Medicine for approximately 3,000 years. Whilst studies have shown it to be effective, today Chinese doctors agree that it can easily be replaced by herbal and synthetic alternatives which are cheaper, more effective and more readily available. Of the 8 species of bears in the world, all except the giant panda have seen their numbers reduced as a result of the bear bile trade. Ever since i watched this show "Find me a Singaporean 2" from channel U on this Singaporean guy working in an organisation to save the moon bear in China, i am motivated to be like him. But how could simply a television programme change the my goal on life? This may sound entirely stupid, but it is true! In fact, i almost cried while watching the programme. I was extremely sad to see how the moon bears are tortured, how they are being traumatised. It is so cruel! Why do the chinese have to use bear bile for medicine? Why? How many thousands of bears would have to die for that? I simply felt sorry for them, i simply felt useless that i cannot do anything to help them. My strength is limited, but with the help of everyone, everything is possible! I really urged that people can simply think for the moon bears which are suffering right now! Could they use other alternative medicine instead?
I aimed to become a surgeon! NOT for human, but for bears! I want to work in China and save more moon bears from the bile farms for the rest of my life. People may laughed at me, thinking that that is a job without a bright future. But who cares! At least this is an aim that i can make it possible, an aim that i am really proud of. Not to mention that i also want to be a church planter, to plant a church in China! Maybe i can get to share Christ with the moon bears there... ...crap.
i must force myself to study biology!