Friday, June 13, 2008
3:46 PM ♥
I want to make this post a very special one, an inspiring one that can encourage me, like what God did. As many can see, i am feeling very down lately. But after the OASIS camp, everything changed. I am feeling very refreshed now, a newborn person. This may sound ridiculous to many, but i can gurantee you that it is not. I should call that amazing! But before that, i am really desperate to share about the camp. This OASIS camp lasted from 9-12 June, a 4 days 3 nights camp. This is really special, 4days 3 nights? That sounds a bit unusual. But let me tell you first, this is going to be a very... ...very long post.
DAY 1I met up with the care-grou(CG) members at downtown east Burger King at 12pm. I think it is really amazing that we took the same very bus 3 as Michelle. That is really cool! As the bus went past the bus-stop after TPJC, guess who we saw? No doubt, it is teddy bear, Wei en. I like to call him teddy bear because he really looks like one, very cute. Too bad, Wei en did not saw us and he took another bus instead. I thought that we were the latest to arrive there, but we were not. Cai Xuan was the first one to reach, followed by us. As the time flies, more people came. Initiatly, i thought that Siqin's bag was the biggest, but i was wrong! kim's one bigger. I felt quite wasted that i have forgotten to bring my camera, leaving many beautiful moments behind. We went to the ballroom and did our registration and stuff like that. The JC group was supposed to wear orange t-shirt as our identity, but i hate that colour really, too bright. I wore the orange t-shirt that i borrowed from Ryan, and i realised that me, Ryan and Bryan wore the same designed ones. That is really funny. So, it was time for Games #1. The game was held at Pasir Ris Park, where we have to teared each other newspaper which was tied to our back. That was supposed to be our lives, our mission was to search for the flags that each districts has to accomplished them. All the sweat and smell really worth it, it was a cool game. I managed to tear one person newspaper. Whoohoo... ...Then it was time for wash-up. My room-mates were me, Siqin, Nicole, Pui wah and Jasmine. Nice, we do not have to squeeze ourselves together. Everything was nice, the heater, air-con, except that we cannot use the TV. But that is really alright for me. We have a buffet kind of dinner just below the ballroom. Seriously, i do not understand why do they want to decorate it up to make it so classy. Unfortunately, i was not able to enjoy the meals everyday. I think the food there was really unsuitable for me, i threw uo after every meal. Never mind about that. The opening ceremony was nice, so were all the prayer meet, praise and worship. These days were really the time that i can fully enjoyed myself. Thank God for that! Every sermon seems to answer to my prayer, or taught me something. It really speaks to me, the answer that i long for. I guess that day was the first time i was so touched by God, i cried during alter call for the very first time! After everything, we went back to the chalet where all the girls in our CG did a deep sharing.( correct me if i am wrong) Erm... ... i cried. It was the first time i confessed myself to the whole CG, i was very emotional because it was one of my darkest secret. Shh... ... i am not telling anything here. Zzz.. i slept quite early during the first night.
I woke up at 7am in the morning to do my wash up. In fact, i was tossing myself on the bed all the night, i cannot sleep well. Perhaps i was still not used to it. I managed to do a little studying, but what is the point of that anyway? By the way, i really discovered some of the sleeping habits that many people have. Haha... ... It was the first in my life time to see chicken wing for breakfast. No way for me, it is too greasy for me! I enjoyed quiet time when i earned myself a nickname " Kungfu Panda". Thanks Vincent for that... ... We have 2 sessions of Praise and worship in a day and that was so cool. I love it! We have " Very Exciting One Hor" programme where we have people acting. Pui wah, i enjoy your performance, good job! I thought that we could have our free time, but no, we do not have time for that. Day 2 praise and worship was really the day where i really met God, face to face. I asked God , " Why did you not answer my prayer? Are you giving me up?" God reply me, " Child, i am always beside you, but you chose to ignore my voice and turned away from me. You chose not to listen to me. But i challenge you! If you are willingly to make the first step to walk towards me, i shall take a thousand steps to come to you!" I was so touched that i cried. I am commited to change myself!
DAY3I woke up late, at 7.45 am. I rushed to the toilet to do my was-up, and i was on time. Thank God for that! As usual, there were two sessions of praise and worship. We have games again, but the game we have made Siqin cried. She was 'chop' by someone on her neck. Ouch! Really thank Nicole and Joyce for helping her. I was feeling sick especially on that day. I was vomiting as usual after every meal, i felt very weak. We have our IMMERSE concert in the ballroom, that was so good! I totally enjoyed it! I jumped aroung like crazy! Together as a CG, we kneel down and prayed. This was the first time i did that! I was able to meet Cai Juan and so Mag after everything end. I was so glad that both of them were doing fine, it was a long time since i saw Mag. Hope to see her more often. I slept late on that day, i have my fillet o'fish! Whoohoo... ... but i vomited after that. YUCKS! Pui wah fell asleep at Kim's room and so, Sheeting and Kim went to sleep at our room instead. I was stunned when Nicole, Sheeting and Kim were playing on the bed. It looks so crazy to me! It shocked me!! Finally i got time to pluck in my mp3. Unfortunately, something went wrong ( i do not wish to tell), i prayed and cried. Then, i fell into a deep sleep after taking some Panadol.
DAY4Woke up late again. I quickly washed up and packed all my things. We managed to packed up on time. Then, we went for breakfast. I drank a cup of soya bean and some herbal tea. It was really heaty after a few days in camp. It was then many things and programmes went on. After everything ended, the CG went to pasta mania to celebrate Melvin's birthday. Melvin is a really deep... deep thinker. A very deep person. I was impressed. I remebered the times that i used to read satanic bible, in some way, the content makes a lot of sense to me. I felt really uncomfortable after mouthful of my pasta, i threw up again. But this time, it was worse. I did it twice in a row, it was so painful and hurts a lot. We went to hang around at e-hub before we headed home.
I slept the whole day since i got back. Sadly, i have tuition so early today. It almost killed me. I remeber that during day 2, God gave me a vision. The vision was to set up a CG at EVSS, my ex-seconday school. I am really working towards it. My heart desire to be a CL, i want to start things small, but finshed as a church planter in China. I want to plant a Church in China to save more souls... ... i think that should be all about it.
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Friday, June 13, 2008
3:46 PM ♥
I want to make this post a very special one, an inspiring one that can encourage me, like what God did. As many can see, i am feeling very down lately. But after the OASIS camp, everything changed. I am feeling very refreshed now, a newborn person. This may sound ridiculous to many, but i can gurantee you that it is not. I should call that amazing! But before that, i am really desperate to share about the camp. This OASIS camp lasted from 9-12 June, a 4 days 3 nights camp. This is really special, 4days 3 nights? That sounds a bit unusual. But let me tell you first, this is going to be a very... ...very long post.
DAY 1I met up with the care-grou(CG) members at downtown east Burger King at 12pm. I think it is really amazing that we took the same very bus 3 as Michelle. That is really cool! As the bus went past the bus-stop after TPJC, guess who we saw? No doubt, it is teddy bear, Wei en. I like to call him teddy bear because he really looks like one, very cute. Too bad, Wei en did not saw us and he took another bus instead. I thought that we were the latest to arrive there, but we were not. Cai Xuan was the first one to reach, followed by us. As the time flies, more people came. Initiatly, i thought that Siqin's bag was the biggest, but i was wrong! kim's one bigger. I felt quite wasted that i have forgotten to bring my camera, leaving many beautiful moments behind. We went to the ballroom and did our registration and stuff like that. The JC group was supposed to wear orange t-shirt as our identity, but i hate that colour really, too bright. I wore the orange t-shirt that i borrowed from Ryan, and i realised that me, Ryan and Bryan wore the same designed ones. That is really funny. So, it was time for Games #1. The game was held at Pasir Ris Park, where we have to teared each other newspaper which was tied to our back. That was supposed to be our lives, our mission was to search for the flags that each districts has to accomplished them. All the sweat and smell really worth it, it was a cool game. I managed to tear one person newspaper. Whoohoo... ...Then it was time for wash-up. My room-mates were me, Siqin, Nicole, Pui wah and Jasmine. Nice, we do not have to squeeze ourselves together. Everything was nice, the heater, air-con, except that we cannot use the TV. But that is really alright for me. We have a buffet kind of dinner just below the ballroom. Seriously, i do not understand why do they want to decorate it up to make it so classy. Unfortunately, i was not able to enjoy the meals everyday. I think the food there was really unsuitable for me, i threw uo after every meal. Never mind about that. The opening ceremony was nice, so were all the prayer meet, praise and worship. These days were really the time that i can fully enjoyed myself. Thank God for that! Every sermon seems to answer to my prayer, or taught me something. It really speaks to me, the answer that i long for. I guess that day was the first time i was so touched by God, i cried during alter call for the very first time! After everything, we went back to the chalet where all the girls in our CG did a deep sharing.( correct me if i am wrong) Erm... ... i cried. It was the first time i confessed myself to the whole CG, i was very emotional because it was one of my darkest secret. Shh... ... i am not telling anything here. Zzz.. i slept quite early during the first night.
I woke up at 7am in the morning to do my wash up. In fact, i was tossing myself on the bed all the night, i cannot sleep well. Perhaps i was still not used to it. I managed to do a little studying, but what is the point of that anyway? By the way, i really discovered some of the sleeping habits that many people have. Haha... ... It was the first in my life time to see chicken wing for breakfast. No way for me, it is too greasy for me! I enjoyed quiet time when i earned myself a nickname " Kungfu Panda". Thanks Vincent for that... ... We have 2 sessions of Praise and worship in a day and that was so cool. I love it! We have " Very Exciting One Hor" programme where we have people acting. Pui wah, i enjoy your performance, good job! I thought that we could have our free time, but no, we do not have time for that. Day 2 praise and worship was really the day where i really met God, face to face. I asked God , " Why did you not answer my prayer? Are you giving me up?" God reply me, " Child, i am always beside you, but you chose to ignore my voice and turned away from me. You chose not to listen to me. But i challenge you! If you are willingly to make the first step to walk towards me, i shall take a thousand steps to come to you!" I was so touched that i cried. I am commited to change myself!
DAY3I woke up late, at 7.45 am. I rushed to the toilet to do my was-up, and i was on time. Thank God for that! As usual, there were two sessions of praise and worship. We have games again, but the game we have made Siqin cried. She was 'chop' by someone on her neck. Ouch! Really thank Nicole and Joyce for helping her. I was feeling sick especially on that day. I was vomiting as usual after every meal, i felt very weak. We have our IMMERSE concert in the ballroom, that was so good! I totally enjoyed it! I jumped aroung like crazy! Together as a CG, we kneel down and prayed. This was the first time i did that! I was able to meet Cai Juan and so Mag after everything end. I was so glad that both of them were doing fine, it was a long time since i saw Mag. Hope to see her more often. I slept late on that day, i have my fillet o'fish! Whoohoo... ... but i vomited after that. YUCKS! Pui wah fell asleep at Kim's room and so, Sheeting and Kim went to sleep at our room instead. I was stunned when Nicole, Sheeting and Kim were playing on the bed. It looks so crazy to me! It shocked me!! Finally i got time to pluck in my mp3. Unfortunately, something went wrong ( i do not wish to tell), i prayed and cried. Then, i fell into a deep sleep after taking some Panadol.
DAY4Woke up late again. I quickly washed up and packed all my things. We managed to packed up on time. Then, we went for breakfast. I drank a cup of soya bean and some herbal tea. It was really heaty after a few days in camp. It was then many things and programmes went on. After everything ended, the CG went to pasta mania to celebrate Melvin's birthday. Melvin is a really deep... deep thinker. A very deep person. I was impressed. I remebered the times that i used to read satanic bible, in some way, the content makes a lot of sense to me. I felt really uncomfortable after mouthful of my pasta, i threw up again. But this time, it was worse. I did it twice in a row, it was so painful and hurts a lot. We went to hang around at e-hub before we headed home.
I slept the whole day since i got back. Sadly, i have tuition so early today. It almost killed me. I remeber that during day 2, God gave me a vision. The vision was to set up a CG at EVSS, my ex-seconday school. I am really working towards it. My heart desire to be a CL, i want to start things small, but finshed as a church planter in China. I want to plant a Church in China to save more souls... ... i think that should be all about it.