Friday, May 16, 2008
6:30 PM ♥
AWESOME! it is friday today. finally i am able to slow down my pace and take a deep, deep breathe. it is really exhausting after a long week in college. not to mention about tests and so on. i realised that my class 08S07 tend to let restless and tired easily. after our project work lesson, our class is suppose to go to LT2 for maths lesson. to my surprise, our class was really damn quiet, unlike the class beside me, full of crap. i turned and ask wendy, ' why is our class so quiet today?' , she answered ' because most of them are sleeping.' . no doubt, most of them are so. anyway, our class has bought a gift for our economic tutor, miss chen, i bet that today is her last day in the college. can you believe that our classmates bought her a ' da bian' (dung) plushie? actually it was kind of cute for the side view, not the front view definitely. i am actually quite moody today, but something did cheer me up today. after all my lessons, i met up with nicole in the college where i went for my first shepherding. it was very sweet that nicole bought me a sermon book. thanks a lot! after that, i went with qin to century square to buy her contact lens. qin treat me a meal at Hans, as a birthday gift for me. in fact i was really broke this week as i have over-spent. oops... ... counting down for my birthday... ...

joanne n siti... K.O
wendy playing my D.S ... ...
wendy n me... ...
wendy... ...hamster
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Friday, May 16, 2008
6:30 PM ♥
AWESOME! it is friday today. finally i am able to slow down my pace and take a deep, deep breathe. it is really exhausting after a long week in college. not to mention about tests and so on. i realised that my class 08S07 tend to let restless and tired easily. after our project work lesson, our class is suppose to go to LT2 for maths lesson. to my surprise, our class was really damn quiet, unlike the class beside me, full of crap. i turned and ask wendy, ' why is our class so quiet today?' , she answered ' because most of them are sleeping.' . no doubt, most of them are so. anyway, our class has bought a gift for our economic tutor, miss chen, i bet that today is her last day in the college. can you believe that our classmates bought her a ' da bian' (dung) plushie? actually it was kind of cute for the side view, not the front view definitely. i am actually quite moody today, but something did cheer me up today. after all my lessons, i met up with nicole in the college where i went for my first shepherding. it was very sweet that nicole bought me a sermon book. thanks a lot! after that, i went with qin to century square to buy her contact lens. qin treat me a meal at Hans, as a birthday gift for me. in fact i was really broke this week as i have over-spent. oops... ... counting down for my birthday... ...

joanne n siti... K.O
wendy playing my D.S ... ...
wendy n me... ...
wendy... ...hamster