Saturday, May 10, 2008
12:48 AM ♥
finish my GPP le! woot . . .
tests almost or should i say every week is damn tiring wan de lohx
plus got CO until 9pm for every Saturday ( faint)
but luckily got Henery to help mii carry my instrument if not i sure die le
but seriously i really feel quite bad arh have to trouble others to carry my instrument
talking abt CO, got one more guy join sheng le
he is Zi Jing, nice person but quite quiet arh
got to go back to school tomoro for Physic
Physic roX !!!
hw flooding my entire study table so many of them plus my TYS that i bought
Mum's day on sunday
have not prepare gift yet but ll do so 2moro
want give something special this year
going celeb on sunday and oso my birthday in advance wif my aunt
looking forward to it
omg ~ dou niu yao bu yao nice to watch lohx =)
will upload pic soon XD
*everything can change, but i will nvr change my feeling for u
♥ 0 lovely notes