Sunday, May 18, 2008
5:39 PM ♥
had a surprise yesterday thx to my dearest 08S21 !!
went service late again all because of a cup of soyamilk well i shall skip that service is interesting especailly pastor jeff joke about shepherd's pie and mac sheep =) went for prayer meet, isit a prayer meet?? anyway i pray for a lot of stuff and i really like the songs sang during worship tpjc going to hit 50 for sure !!!!
took train back to wei en house there for bbq was late so by the time we reach the girls are aready there surprise to see crystalbelle there because she say she won't be able to come but she came !!! so all the girls came except fei zhu shi yu, but its ok i know she had her own problem too =) oya , and also xia qian
eata lot of stuff the girls keep feeding me with a lot of food and we exchange identity !!! i became sherliyn "i" was so emo because ___________
i become sherliyn, sherliyn become me, sara become zhi xu, zhi xu become sara, yen lin become crystalbelle and crystalbelle become yen lin ai hui and alwina stick to own identity keep chasing one another tickle one another scream like hell but must not forget we are in a neighbourhood if not later the people complain then die but i feel the most funniest quote yesterday was from yen lin to crystalbelle: " bu yao dui yen lin de lian horr" had so much fun with the girls
the guy who came were wei en, wen wei, dai quan, livert, dickson, samuel, sean and his brother, kayne, jake can't remember so i am sorry if i forget any one who came so sorrie
we went to hide so that once they give us a signal we will come out singing birthday song to sean leg so cramp because squat there very long and ai hui and alwina were eating i was so damn hungry so just went out to grab some food to eat share my food with the girls hiding there
went play at exercising corner climb out the monkey bar with ai hui, alwina, yen lin, sara, kayne , . . . ai hui very funny she afraid of height so didn't know how to come down same for yen lin
then play basketball with sara, crystalbelle, livert, sean, kayne and jake livert damn bad de keep snatching the ball de so i also go snatch back but is quite fun lohx i must admit that jake is quite good but we girls won twice hahax ^^
eat my favourite desert my favourite !!!! and food from '' fear factor" ^^
thank jing dong for the chicken wing he cook for me and sean it taste great really feel touched for his effort to cook the food
had birthday cake and it is really a surprise because i thought is celebrate sean's birthday but end up mine also then before that they also sing birthday song for me that is totally unexpected one i made 1 and a half wish and they are:
1) to do well for my coming SA
2) All the people in 08S21 to do well for the coming SA
the chocolate cake is nice i really appreciate their effort and the gift , a pencil case
thank sherilyn for sewing my name onto the pencil case feel so touched by it
thank zhi xu for your card
thank 08S21 for the gift and everything they had done for me
thank everyone who had been there during the bbq
i stayed until quite late eating sting ray which was so spicy that my ears hurt but i only ate half the other halved saved it for dai quan
i had lotts of fun and i really want to thank everyone for that
i lurbb you guys
i had a wonderful birthday celebration !!!
ps for having no pic because my hp no bat.
♥ 0 lovely notes