Friday, May 16, 2008
12:07 AM ♥
no doubt, it is 00:08am NOW!! i have got back from CG for some time already, just finished in submitting my work. after reading through the postcards which nicole, huan ting and kim gave me, i really feel so touched, it is really heart-warming!! hey guys, thanks a lot for writing the postcards despite of the time constraint. this is the first 3 postcards that i have received this year, really very touched by it. i really feel like crying, boo hoo... ... even though i joined the CG for not too long ago, i am really glad that i am able to know these friends. it is really awesome! i always believe that milieu is the main factor which shape the characteristic of people. in fact, i am very sure that with the friends i have around me now and then, i am able to achieve a breakthrough! in today's CG, nicole taught us on the characteristic of excellence. i really want to response to the first point which nicole taught us, it is about excellence people desire great things. i have dreamed of setting a branch( Y-hope) in China. i am now trying my very best to do well in chinese because i aimed to work in China as a surgeon for the 'black' bears. ever since i watched a show host by belinda in channel U, for the search of Singaporean in foreign country, i have aimed to save more bears in China. i was really upset to see that many of the bears are suffering right now in China. i want to help them!! setting up a branch in china may seems impossible now, but it is achievable if i am willing to work toward it. it is never to late to start my plan. praise the Lord... ...
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
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Friday, May 16, 2008
12:07 AM ♥
no doubt, it is 00:08am NOW!! i have got back from CG for some time already, just finished in submitting my work. after reading through the postcards which nicole, huan ting and kim gave me, i really feel so touched, it is really heart-warming!! hey guys, thanks a lot for writing the postcards despite of the time constraint. this is the first 3 postcards that i have received this year, really very touched by it. i really feel like crying, boo hoo... ... even though i joined the CG for not too long ago, i am really glad that i am able to know these friends. it is really awesome! i always believe that milieu is the main factor which shape the characteristic of people. in fact, i am very sure that with the friends i have around me now and then, i am able to achieve a breakthrough! in today's CG, nicole taught us on the characteristic of excellence. i really want to response to the first point which nicole taught us, it is about excellence people desire great things. i have dreamed of setting a branch( Y-hope) in China. i am now trying my very best to do well in chinese because i aimed to work in China as a surgeon for the 'black' bears. ever since i watched a show host by belinda in channel U, for the search of Singaporean in foreign country, i have aimed to save more bears in China. i was really upset to see that many of the bears are suffering right now in China. i want to help them!! setting up a branch in china may seems impossible now, but it is achievable if i am willing to work toward it. it is never to late to start my plan. praise the Lord... ...