East Eccentri is form.....
Monday, October 02, 2006
9:39 AM ♥
finally..... EAST ECCENTRIC is form.( sorrie if spell wrong, pai seh). Hmmm..... i haven been to CG 4 quite some weeks already. Hmmm.... miss e fun a lot. I m havin exam now n is so damn busy right now. I believe i m not growin spiritually right now, hop God help me. It is rather sad 2 have almost not much fun in my life, not like wat i live to be. However, however, i hav my friens in church and have a follow upper in sch. If without them, i don't think i cannot continue. Yup! tat is about all 4 2day. I hop this saturday come quickly, i can't wait 2 worship God. I wish more pp would com n noe God, more believer in my sch loh. Hmm. tat is all 4 2day. Very confirm liao. God bless all of u!.....
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
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East Eccentri is form.....
Monday, October 02, 2006
9:39 AM ♥
finally..... EAST ECCENTRIC is form.( sorrie if spell wrong, pai seh). Hmmm..... i haven been to CG 4 quite some weeks already. Hmmm.... miss e fun a lot. I m havin exam now n is so damn busy right now. I believe i m not growin spiritually right now, hop God help me. It is rather sad 2 have almost not much fun in my life, not like wat i live to be. However, however, i hav my friens in church and have a follow upper in sch. If without them, i don't think i cannot continue. Yup! tat is about all 4 2day. I hop this saturday come quickly, i can't wait 2 worship God. I wish more pp would com n noe God, more believer in my sch loh. Hmm. tat is all 4 2day. Very confirm liao. God bless all of u!.....