Friday, September 22, 2006
7:50 PM ♥
long time didn post ... cuz too lazy n ve no time to rite any but nvm now ritin SA2 comin soon feelin more n more stress, tired, ... ... just cannot ve enough rest with so many test tis n next week yesterday ply basketball wth qi my skill of course dam lousy cuz more than few months didn ply only ply twice wth my classmate tis month 2day dam angry ask cher 2 help mii get my instrument yet she can't find the key tell her twice aready ask mii bring instrument on mon but the problem is i not goin home after sch got 2 stay back then got tution how 2 cary my heavy n bulky instrument with mii really wan 2 practise my instrument cuz learn new instru must brush up the skill one part only the sheng plyin must ply well too lazy 2 study recently then 2moro goin service n then go buy somethin then sunday maybe goin out with my parents 4 the whole day not sure yet but i noe my week is really packed n so stress out i just want 2 balance out everythin but i dun think i m doin it well at all in some places i seem 2 'neglect' i m just so srry
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Friday, September 22, 2006
7:50 PM ♥
long time didn post ... cuz too lazy n ve no time to rite any but nvm now ritin SA2 comin soon feelin more n more stress, tired, ... ... just cannot ve enough rest with so many test tis n next week yesterday ply basketball wth qi my skill of course dam lousy cuz more than few months didn ply only ply twice wth my classmate tis month 2day dam angry ask cher 2 help mii get my instrument yet she can't find the key tell her twice aready ask mii bring instrument on mon but the problem is i not goin home after sch got 2 stay back then got tution how 2 cary my heavy n bulky instrument with mii really wan 2 practise my instrument cuz learn new instru must brush up the skill one part only the sheng plyin must ply well too lazy 2 study recently then 2moro goin service n then go buy somethin then sunday maybe goin out with my parents 4 the whole day not sure yet but i noe my week is really packed n so stress out i just want 2 balance out everythin but i dun think i m doin it well at all in some places i seem 2 'neglect' i m just so srry