nO titLE
Friday, September 01, 2006
6:53 PM ♥
so sick 2day gettin worse after being in the rain 4 e rain tis past few days 2 lazy 2 brin an umbrella wherever i go so troublesome so now end up with flu n a little sore throat hope it won't affect my oral next wed went 2 c.g yesterday invited x.y 2 come along 2 ve fun with us too lazy 2 go back 2 my pri sch met s.l at small mac at the inter-change ve lunch 2gether then go buy some snack cuz mii n qi was in charge tat day the c.g was vry fun especially the game put up by j.j n frienz lookin 4 rubber band hidden inside a bowl of flour using mouth n then pass 2 the group member by mouth but luckily i manage cuz i got flu so use a pen to dig instead of my mouth all of them end up like a clown flour all over their face kept laughing but really enjoy it so fun 2moro goin 4 sservice but won't be stayin back 4 dinner cuz 2moro is my mum birhday ve 2 get back early 2 do somethin first n of course 2 watch my favourite korean drama GOONG so angry channel u goin 2 ply goong at oct so angry dun wan them 2 ply >.< !!!
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