Sunday, October 01, 2006
10:24 AM ♥
yesterday went for service as usually despite exam stress anyway its exam time where i need to pray more for blessing i went to cut my hair as i have been feeling guility lately but don't ask me wat i don't wish to say just feeling so guility i think i change a lot have different thinking but i m still the same hope others can realise that i seem to be quite cheerful during the exam period even though i m quite stress or should be vry stress must remain positive =p ya. ya yesterday did't study much during study session then do hw at dinner as well as teaching others i will sure help them cuz i should help God's people isn't that so? today i don't think i will be studying with them cuz i m really so tired hope to stay at home to rest as well as to revise my s.s anyway i should not let exam stress overcome me but to overcome the stress itself be OVERCOMEr !!! lalala.... anyway still thinking of which ministry to join ... ...
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