Tuesday, August 22, 2006
2:39 PM ♥
just came bck from sch not long again didn't eat anythin cuz dun feel like eating hatez my life so boring i feel as if i m followin a daily time-table no freedom at all but stillquite packed durin week day cuz got x-tra programme 2day got a-maths test still ok not really as difficult as wat qi told mii but did some qn wrongly nvm goin 2 be sch holiday soon n teacher day i dun think i goin back my pri sch cuz quite xianz rather stay at home or maybe go out tis sunday is my dad's birthday duno wat 2 buy 4 him cuz must buy somethin which can be used in daily life so tat ll not 'waste' money duno wat 2 buy 4 him hatez buyin present 4 my parents o so ve problem in whether wat 2 buy 4 them well, as for my frienz it is so easy 4 mii cuz at about or same age ya, started 2 collect postcard recently cuz lack of them got 2 'hunt' 4 it ... ... may i be happier 2moro, guess i won't all thx 2 C.O make mii ve 2 stay bck
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
2:39 PM ♥
just came bck from sch not long again didn't eat anythin cuz dun feel like eating hatez my life so boring i feel as if i m followin a daily time-table no freedom at all but stillquite packed durin week day cuz got x-tra programme 2day got a-maths test still ok not really as difficult as wat qi told mii but did some qn wrongly nvm goin 2 be sch holiday soon n teacher day i dun think i goin back my pri sch cuz quite xianz rather stay at home or maybe go out tis sunday is my dad's birthday duno wat 2 buy 4 him cuz must buy somethin which can be used in daily life so tat ll not 'waste' money duno wat 2 buy 4 him hatez buyin present 4 my parents o so ve problem in whether wat 2 buy 4 them well, as for my frienz it is so easy 4 mii cuz at about or same age ya, started 2 collect postcard recently cuz lack of them got 2 'hunt' 4 it ... ... may i be happier 2moro, guess i won't all thx 2 C.O make mii ve 2 stay bck