Sunday, August 20, 2006
11:28 AM ♥
yesterday went 4 service with qi it was really vry fun we met cj n xl be4 goin 4 the service 2gether it was really vry crowded met some frienz like hj, jade, joyce (duno if i spell it correctly) n many more they seem quite surprised when they saw mii cuz long time didn go 4 service i like the worship best can sing, dance, shout so enjoyin keep jumping around like a bunny the service ended at arond 5+ around tat n we went 4 dinner with the care gp the frienz over there was really vry friendly 2 us so get along with them well at least i won't feel so shy tat day got meeting so mi n qi left earlier n went 2 shop around be4 goin 2 T.M again wanted 2 buy a gift 4 qi cuz she convert last Saturday n wanted 2 buy postcard but unable 2 find we went bck 2 T.M again cuz i wanted 2 buy somethin we went bck at around 8+ goin 9 so really must learn how 2 manage my time ve 2 study 4 chem n phy test on Mon may god bless mii~
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
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Sunday, August 20, 2006
11:28 AM ♥
yesterday went 4 service with qi it was really vry fun we met cj n xl be4 goin 4 the service 2gether it was really vry crowded met some frienz like hj, jade, joyce (duno if i spell it correctly) n many more they seem quite surprised when they saw mii cuz long time didn go 4 service i like the worship best can sing, dance, shout so enjoyin keep jumping around like a bunny the service ended at arond 5+ around tat n we went 4 dinner with the care gp the frienz over there was really vry friendly 2 us so get along with them well at least i won't feel so shy tat day got meeting so mi n qi left earlier n went 2 shop around be4 goin 2 T.M again wanted 2 buy a gift 4 qi cuz she convert last Saturday n wanted 2 buy postcard but unable 2 find we went bck 2 T.M again cuz i wanted 2 buy somethin we went bck at around 8+ goin 9 so really must learn how 2 manage my time ve 2 study 4 chem n phy test on Mon may god bless mii~